
Friday, September 24, 2010

Texas Board of Education Adopts Resolution Calling for Textbook Publishers to Curtail Pro-Islam Bias

From Weasel Zippers (click on title for the whole story):

The Texas State Board of Education has adopted a resolution seeking to curtail references to Islam in textbooks.
Social conservatives on the board had asked that the resolution be put on Friday’s agenda. It was approved by a 7-6 vote.
The one-page resolution calls on textbook publishers to limit what they print about Islam in world history books and says the board “will look to reject future prejudicial social studies submissions.”


  1. Pastorius,

    Excellent. I hope they go through with this.

  2. 7-6 . . . Hail Mary is full of Grace!

  3. We are in deep shit this is the school board of one of the most conservative states in the union. They can only can squeeze by a demand for truth in our children's history books with a 7-6 vote!
    And if it stands, what then? Is the Man-Child and company gonna pull an Arizona on them? Lawyers, guns, and money?
