
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Bill Maher: "I Don't Have To Apologize, Do I, For Not Wanting The Western World Taken Over By Islam?"

I don't like Bill Maher, but I have long thought he does some of the most biting anti-Jihadist humor of any mainstream comedian.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Pastorius,

    Bill Maher has more guts than Obama. I don't like him that much, but I'd rather have him for president instead. Do you feel the same way?

  3. Well, I'm not sure about that. He doesn't seem very well-grounded as an individual. Barack Obama seems pretty grounded, not easily frightened.

  4. We may have to revise that "well-grounded" assessment of Obummah if that reputed White House scandal heats up to boiling, to say nothing of his reputed bizarre behavior lately. Can't bear to watch much Maher, but I also have the impression he's off the wall most of the time. How does he get to be on track about Islam while supposedly more "together" people are still in dhimmilalaland?

    We're going to find ourselves with some really strange allies as this thing continues to heat up. Who is the blonde there who's already up to speed on the growth of Sharia in Great Britain?

  5. Revere Rides Again,

    Maybe its in part because he's not as worried about offending people as some are.

  6. The blond is Margeret Hoover, according to big gov.

  7. I may disagree with Maher's leftist viewpoints but I can respect him standing up for his leftist views against islamist supremacists instead of throwing his leftist views out the window like all the other liberals seem to be doing lately.

  8. David,

    If the left would in general stand up to Jihadists to at least the degree that they do the religious right, I'd have more respect for them. I also think we'd be a bit safer.
