
Saturday, January 01, 2011

Egypt: Muslims wish Christians a Happy New Year... by blowing up a car outside a Coptic church in Alexandria; casualties reported -- UPDATE: at least 10 dead


  1. Pasto,

    The Coptocide which is going on in Egypt ( for years now !) has crossed the point of no return long time ago ! The Copt ( and other Christian sects in the Muslim world ), have been abandoned by their brothers in faith in the West! They are doomed ! It will take time till all of them vanish because the "Job" is done 'Manually' !...

    Egypt is a classic example to the double face of the Muzioids ! Where ever you look in the Middle East you see "Januses" ! the next victim to this blood thirsty monster will be the peace treaty signed between President Saadat (Allah Irhamo) and PM Begin (GBHS) !
    Not that it is much alive this days... Coup de grace will do !


  2. This must be part of that supposed Muslim effort to, um, 'modernize' Islam that those Moose-limb trolls from another thread here at IBA were recently blathering about.

    The New Year, to no one's surprise, looks a lot like the old one.

  3. Remember how the one Muslim in that thread said she could not think of any ongoing Muslim genocides?

    There is an ongoing genocide against Christians across the ME.

    But, because it is perpetrated across a very wide area, by disparate people, seemingly without top-down guidance, no one pays attention.

    But, the truth is, the lack of top-down guidance only shows even more how incredibly sinister Islam is.

    Muslims know it is their duty to kill Christians, so they do. No one even has to tell them, in a specific manner, to go do it. They know it's their duty, and they just do it.

  4. True, Pastorius. But remember that 'someone' has already commanded Muslims that it's open season on infidels, namely Mo, his imaginary friend and the instruction manual slash book of hate he left behind.
    The instructions are as valid now as they were the day they were first written. Infidels have already been condemned by Allah and his number one home boy Mo.

    Moozlems also have their standard taqiyya as well to use in the presence of infidels. So, it's not 'genocide' they wage, oh heavens no, but these Muslims are all for 'defending Islam' and 'fighting oppression'. A distinction without a difference.

    "There are none so blind as those who will not see."

  5. Exactly.

    So, one could say, they are given their marching orders IN THE MOSQUES.
