
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sexual Jihad - Demoralising and Humiliating the Infidels, the religious motivation behind the Islamic pedophile abductions

From Trencherbone:

"...Of course you find pedophiles and rapists in all communities, but these are nearly always loners operating in secret, because pedophiles are despised and hated by normal people.

However Islam is different . Pedophilia is socially acceptable in Islam because 'the perfect man' Mohammed was a pedophile. In addition, pedophile attacks on 'kuffar' (non-Muslim) children are seen as a legitimate form of jihad, inflicting humiliation and demoralisation on the children and their parents.

The Islamic invasion of the West is one huge razzia (raid of rape and pillage) and Western children are war booty. Pedophila is widespread in Muslim communities, with Christian children being the main targets. The pedophiles operate in well-organised gangs and networks. They are protected and encouraged by their wider communities and enjoy immunity from prosecution so as not to damage 'Community Cohesion'

There are many forms of jihad, not all of which involve bombs and bullets. Sexual jihad, using rape and other forms of sexual humiliation and sadism has been used as a weapon of war since the time of Mohammed.

Humiliation of the non-Muslims is especially important to Muslims, and the Sufi sects are obsessed by it.

Although originally confined to Europe, similar Islamic pedophile networks are now being set up in America...
More (plus links) at Sexual Jihad - Demoralising and Humiliating the Infidels, the religious motivation behind the Islamic pedophile abductions.

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