
Friday, January 21, 2011

Terrorism Works: No Freedom of Religion or Speech in the UK

In the US when you burn a Quran we beg you not to. In the UK they arrest you.

Forget the wisdom of burning Qurans. Free speech is about speech you don't like, not speech that you like. There are no laws against calling baby polar bears cute.

If it's your Quran you can do with it as you wish. It's a book. Nothing more.

For the state to arrest someone for burning a book is as bad as the state encouraging the book to be burned in the first place.

This is like a bizarro Nazi Germany.
Go read the whole thing.


  1. They arrested a guy here Oklahoma. And the man who worked for the state in NJ got the boot, didn't he? So, ... the same thing goes here.

    Whatever you do, don't burn a pisslamic unholy book! Shit on it instead!

  2. Pastorius,

    Fear and Political correctness maybe our undoing.

  3. Damien,
    If fear and political correctness may be our undoing, then strangely enough, random acts of defecation, and beautiful desecrations, such as American Rose's, are the way to go.
