
Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Bylaws Disappear from Muslim Brotherhood's English-language Site 
The Muslim Brotherhood seems to be trying to preserve its recently burnished image as a moderate party dedicated to maintaining a modern, secular, and just Egypt.

In keeping with this apparent internal strategy, the Brotherhood has removed its explicitly worded bylaws from its English-language website, the Investigative Project on Terrorism has learned (H/T to the Strategic Engagement Group). The bylaws are still available via an archived version of the webpage.

The bylaws have long been a source of discussion and debate on the Internet because of the group's stated intention to create an Islamic state, uniting Muslims around the world, while "building a new basis of human civilization." 

It's not clear why the bylaws disappeared, but the timing is highly suspicious. In January 2010, it was reported that the Brotherhood was considering amending them. No change appears to have been made in the last year. But now, with a genuine opportunity to appear on an Egyptian ballot, they have vanished from public view within days of President Hosni Mubarak's ouster. 

On the group's Arabic-language site, however, the bylaws remain posted.

Press reports of the Brotherhood's role during the uprising paint a picture of a group committed to presenting its most appealing side for the world to see. While the organization is not a monolith, its old guard remains entrenched in power. And those voices still advocate the Islamification of society.

For example, in a sermon last September, General Guide Mohamed Badie said Muslims are duty-bound to make the Quran the law of Egypt.Likewise, another senior member, Kamal Helbawy, told an Iranian news agency on Sunday that the Islamic Republic deserved credit for fostering Islamic unity. Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a role model for Muslims, he said."He is the bravest man in the Muslim world," Helbawy said, "and we (in Egypt) need innocent, honest and brave leaders like him." 

Perhaps they're just 'cleaning up' for Obama's 1,57 Billion Dollar grant?

Read and see the full story here.


  1. Pastorius,

    It may also be that they know that non Muslims won't like them, and they probably know that not many non Muslims read Arabic.

  2. To tell the truth this doesn't surprise me in the least.

  3. You hit the nail right smack dab on the middle of the head, Damien.

  4. Pastorius,

    by the way, speaking of fanatical Muslims, Pat Condell has another video on Britain's most infamous Jihadi.

    Andy Choudary rides again

  5. 2012 budget for Egypt confirmed:

    "Question: Can you talk about aid for Egypt in the 2012 budget, and has it been altered in any way to reflect the developments going on in Egypt now?

    Deputy Secretary Nides: The budget request for 2012 is a 1.57 billion for the full allocation. The military portion of that is 1.3 billion, and 250 million is economic assistance, which is the same as last year. And obviously, we are willing and ready to help the Egyptian people. As it relates to 2011, we'll have funds available as well until we hear exactly what the Egyptian people will need. We'll then communicate that to the Congress for the authorization."

