
Tuesday, March 01, 2011

How Dare Mike Huckabee Say That Islam is Antithetical to the Gospel!

Mike Huckabee recently criticized two Protestant churches that allowed Muslims to worship in their facilities by saying that Islam “is the antithesis of the gospel of Christ.”

Naturally, the mainstream media thought that was an outrageous remark.

My Eastern Orthodox friend John Mark Reynolds comes to the defense of the Southern Baptist governor by pointing out the obvious:
Mike Huckabee thinks Islam is wrong and evidently the chattering classes think this is a serious issue.
The Christians of Constantinople cannot use one of the ancient churches of Christendom, because Islamic rulers will not allow it, but Mike Huckabee said something harsh about Islam so he must be rebuked.
The spiritual leader of the world’s Orthodox Christians, the Ecumenical Patriarch, cannot open a seminary, because the Muslim rulers of his nation will not condone it, but a Fox news commentator said something that offends Muslims so we must attend.
There is no land where Muslims are the majority and Christians are not second-class citizens, but a former Baptist minister publically disagrees with Islam and we must ponder the pain Huckabee may have caused Muslims.
I have friends doing humanitarian work in nations where Islamic tribes enslave Christians, but a former governor of Arkansas was politically incorrect, so Americans must discuss Christian tolerance of Islam.
This year Christians have been martyred all over the Islamic world, whether they were from families that have been Christian for centuries or were recent converts to Christianity, but Mike Huckabee may not understand Islamic history well so we should educate him.
Forgetting the Christians, God help Jewish people dwelling in majority Islamic lands.
Southern Baptists like Mike Huckabee are fighting in nations all over the world and have liberated millions of Islamic people from the tyranny of Islamic rulers. Southern Baptists like Mike Huckabee may not fully understand Islam, but no mainstream American Baptist, including Mike Huckabee, would deny the right to vote or hold office to Muslims.
Millions of Baptists voted for a man named Barack Hussein Obama and millions of Baptists who did not, including Mike Huckabee, loyally follow our Christian President. There is no majority Muslim land where a Muslim with a Christian name will be elected to lead anything, but we worry that Baptists, and Mike Huckabee, may be bigoted.
Read the rest.


  1. By the way, this Reynolds' website's been blocked. Like, just now, like 5 minutes ago. I can always trust my ISP to do something like this.

  2. I do want to mention here that I appreciate this guy's attempt at defending Huckabee. However, when one does something like this, half-assed attempts at it do more harm than good.

  3. You are right, of course.

    Thanks for point that out.

    I had not read the article from it's original source. Only the clips provided at First Things.

    I can't believe this Reynolds guy is so ignorant.

  4. Wait a minute, though. Having re-read that, I think Reynolds is, technically, correct. The Krayon, from what I remember, does say that Christians are People of the Book, and are, essentially, to be tolerated as second-class citizens, and Issa was a Prophet of Islam whose words were distorted by crafty Jews, who are also People of the Book to be tolerate, though they must be totally obliterated in order to clear the way for the Mahdi (who I don't think is overtly discussed in the Krayon).


  5. Pastorius,

    I see what you're saying and that is what I tried to address in my first comment. A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that the Christians that the Quran refers to are the same as the real Christians. But sadly, that is not the case.

    Here's an example:

    Quran Sura 5: Strongest among men in enmity to the Believers wilt thou find the Jews and Pagans; and nearest among them in love to the Believers wilt thou find those who say: "We are Christians:" because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant. (82) And when they listen to the revelation received by the Messenger, thou wilt see their eyes overflowing with tears, for they recognise the truth: they pray: "Our Lord! we believe; write us down among the witnesses. (83) "What cause can we have not to believe in Allah and the truth which has come to us, seeing that we long for our Lord to admit us to the company of the righteous?" (84) And for this their prayer hath Allah rewarded them with Gardens with rivers, flowing underneath their eternal Home. Such is the recompense of those who do good. (85) But those who reject Faith and belie our Signs,― they shall be companions of Hell-Fire. (86)

    Quran only accepts such as mentioned above as "Christians". It is the make-believe Christians of Mohammed's world that don't believe in the Trinity and accept him as their prophet.

    Same goes for Jesus. Quranic Isa is not Jesus. Period. Not only does the word Isa does not stand for Jesus (it is actually closer to Esau, Jacob's brother) but the Isa described in the Quran has nothing in common with Jesus.

    So this is what it comes down to. If one believes in the whole lie that goes "Islam, Christianity and Judaism all come from the same God and Islam and Christianity have Jesus in common", then yeah, Christians (Trinitarians, like me and you) will be considered part of this union. However the truth goes against this whitewashed load of crap and Christians, according to our true beliefs, will be branded as idolators. And so, we are to be killed. No Jizya, no second class citizen status.

  6. I tried to already tackle this in my first comment but maybe I didn't do a very good job. I can try to write an article explaining what I mean, if you think that's what is needed here.

  7. Please do write that article.

    I have never seen that information before, that I recall.

  8. Avenging Apostate,

    Also, the Islamic claim that the Christians and Jews corrupted their sacred scripture shows little respect for Christianity or Judaism. Not to mention the other, even more bizarre claim in the Koran that God turned them into apes and pigs.

  9. Just for thought, I'll throw in 3:113 There are among the People of the Book some upright men who all night long recite the revelations of God and worship Him...

    Those "revelations" being "ayati Allahi", in other words, the verses of the Koran.
