
Friday, March 04, 2011

Infidel Task Force Interviews Pastor Terry "Burn the Koran" Jones

 Terry Jones has a new idea.

From ITF:

First of all I would like to thank you for taking the time to speak to the viewers of the Infidel Task Force.
It is quite an honor to have you here.
 Dr. Terry Jones:
Thank you.
You have designated Sunday March 20th to be “International Judge the Koran Day”. On what basis do you feel the Koran should be put on trial?
 Dr. Terry Jones:
 Yes that is true. We have designated March the 20th as International Judge the Koran Day. We are accusing the Koran of murder, rape, terrorist activities around the world. We believe that the following of the Koran, sooner or later, leads to terrorist activities.

 "I can guarantee that this event will not be changed, this event will not be canceled, we will put the Koran on trial on March 20th. "
What do you expect to hear from the American people when Islamic apologizers constantly make excuses for their radical extremists?
  Dr. Terry Jones:
 We believe that there will be indeed an uprising from the American people as they examine the Koran. Many people around the United States, Muslims within the United States and especially the Islamic world constantly apologize or make excuses for the radical element of Islam.
 International Judge the Koran Day will show that the Koran, when strictly followed, does lead to violence. The American people will see that and realize that. Especially as they see what takes place around world, when they see how people are treated, or when they see how Non-Muslims are treated in countries dominated by Islam.
 Go read the whole thing.

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