
Friday, March 04, 2011

Infidel Women Must Cover Up During Ramadan?

From special swimming sessions for Muslimas to all women must cover up! That's the push now in Australia, so as not to offend Muslims during their so-called holy season (hat tip to Bunkerville):

Get ready, fellow infidels! This could be coming to the United States sooner than we can possibly imagine.

Hell, before you know it, we infidel women here in the United States will have to cover up during Ramadan just to run errands in certain communities.

It's all about establishing Islamic supremacism in the West. Muslims are not satisfied to confine their supremacism to their own countries.


  1. Always On Watch,

    Women in western democracies should just refuse in mass.

  2. Damien,
    But will they refuse? I've got my doubts as to whether enough of them have the guts to do so.

  3. AOW may be correct. I don't believe the majority of women in OZ and the US will don hajibs to support muslims at Ramadan.
    But....there is always that number of women that will do it because they have muslim friends or they want to honor the muslims.
    ...and THATS the problem.

  4. clearly, you are a complete idiot if you believe this, just a further example of poorly educated racists spreading fear about muslims.
