
Tuesday, March 01, 2011

UN Set to Release Report Praising Libya's Human Rights Record

No, kids, this is not the Onion. This is an international community led by the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the sharia.

Any Presidential candidate who campaigns on withdrawing from the UN would be a likely winner. Then again, anyone other than Obama should be a likely winner. Anyone with moral clarity, a spine, conviction and love of country -- every characteristic that Obama is lacking.
Bloodshed continues but world body hails human rights
The UN Human Rights Council is set to adopt a major report hailing Libya's human rights record -- despite moving to suspend the Arab country's council membership amid an international outcry over attacks on civilians.

The report shows countries applauding and commending Libya as they note "with appreciation the country's commitment to upholding human rights on the ground."

Even Canada "welcomed improvements" Libya made "in its respect for human rights," according to the report, which is scheduled for a vote before the Geneva-based 47-member council March 18. But the Canadian government also made several critically framed recommendations to the Gadhafi regime, including one calling for reinforced measures aimed at fully investigating torture claims.

The 23-page report was compiled as part of the council's "Universal Periodic Review" -- a process the UN bills as a rigorous scrutiny of the human rights records of each UN member state every four years.
Click on the title to read the whole thing at Atlas Shrugs.

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