
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Americans too dumb to assess real inflation: The latest delusional denial dodge in the progressive self-armementarium

So I’m reading what used to be the centrist SLIGHTLY left leaning New Republic (I mean, they did go Truman over the Wallace split in 1948, but had an internal revolt over George -the hated- Bush) and chuckling over this INCREDIBLE DELUSIONAL paragraph, inthis article:

High gas prices are unquestionably a pain for many Americans.(xlation for real people … you know when we have to cancel 250 mile trips to family or make sure we accomplish three things in town instead of one). Thanks to our highway-centric infrastructure (xlation for real people, know because we don’t have all that high speed rail which will cause lions to lie down with lambs) , most people can’t really avoid driving (xlation for real people … you know, it’s not your fault, you were duped by those people who came after Carter, and then 9/11, and Iraq), even when gas prices spike; right now, for instance, they’re hovering near $4 per gallon. But it’s less clear that voters will end up taking it out on Obama (xlation for real people …I have to believe this or that creep Krauthammer will be right). The old c.w. was that high gas prices chipped away at a president’s poll numbers. George W. Bush’s approval ratings seemed to fluctuate in perfect concert with pump prices. More recently, though, political scientists have peeled these numbers apart and found that the correlation is mostly a statistical mirage. At best, high gas prices have an indirect effect: They make voters think inflation is worse than it actually is.

That last line and the article is the kicker. It purports to be an academic explanation of why Americans CANNOT actually decide for themselves what inflation really is because we cannot know the weighted averages and numbers that go into measurement of this stat beyond our instinctual, tribal grunting capabilities, and therefore when we begin to dislike a president because of our limited, challenged abilities, this dislike is ACTUALLY a statisctical mirage.

It’s FABULOUS. FABULOUS. When we decide food prices, and gas prices, and other necessities are rising, the progressives DISMISS IT because, really, WE HAVE A SINGLE EYEBROW COVERING OUR FOREHEADS.

It’s a statistical MIRAGE.

As will this presidency be, in 2012.

Insh’allah, heh?

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