
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Avenging Apostate Replies To An Anonymous Commenter Who Is Smarter Than All The Rest Of Us COMBINED

Recently, we had an Anonymous commenter who believed and so proved, that he is certainly smarter than everyone else at this website, COMBINED. No doubt about it. Nope. No doubt.

Avenging Apostate replies:


Alright. Clearly you’re too dumb and immature to understand that it is considered civil to not leave someone hanging and to inform people that you have read their comments or will read their comments and will come back and write a reply. You just showed your ignorance and lack of civility by replying to my two lines pre-maturely. Oh and before I continue, I just want to ask, were you trying to be funny with what you said? Because if that’s what you wanted to achieve or insult as a whole was your point, all you managed to show was that you are, at best, a dimwit idiot.

Anyway, let us get to your comments. Even though they aren’t worth replying to, I just want to have fun with them here a little bit. I am not going to respond every single word of yours because it is so intellectually low in quality that even a chimp can do better than what you did. I will just address the things that pertain to our blog.

“I would prefer if Europeans (and Black Africans and Native Americans and such) follow their rich pagan roots rather than some perverse, barbaric Semitic desert cults.”

So, what exactly are those “rich pagan roots”? Are they where people are killed for believing there is only one god and not a pantheon of gods (Socrates, through Plato)? Or are the roots that you talk about the barbarism of Germanic tribes where human rights were non existent and looting, murdering and raping were some of the ways they “earned” their living? Or more peaceful ways of congregation like putting your head under the cows right when they are about to piss, because of the belief that cow piss makes your hair healthier. Or men standing and pissing in a pond full of fish to marinate the fish in it and eat after some months (the last two things that I mentioned still happen in Iceland, maybe you’d like to drink piss here and there and move to Iceland, you got your pagan culture still in place in that country). It is funny when people like you talk about “rich pagan roots” and all you think it means is “peace on earth forever” yet you idiots have no idea how the European pagans lived and treated others.

And what rich roots in Africa? Drinking of animal blood to pass into adulthood? Killing of the strongest male to take over the tribe and women? Cannibalism?

And Native Americans—if you think bathing in each other men’s sweat is such a grand idea and a rich ritual to do (and you call us closet faggots, ha! funny), why don’t you join them and stop whining on this blog?

It shows extreme ignorance on your part when you complain about wars started by Christians, yet you are all for pagan religions. Do you really think Europeans, North Africans and Native Americans never fought? Do you really, honestly think that there was eternal peace before these religions came along? You have got to be the most ignorant person on the planet if you think that way. You might want to pick up a history book or two and learn about these “rich pagan roots” of these cultures before you start telling others to go back to them.

“I admire the Chinese and the Hindus because they kept their ancestral religions for the most part rather than worship a sick, bloodthirsty, demonic desert deity invented by the Hebrews in their own image.”

So you like the Hindu ancestral religion where a widow is burned alongside her dead husband? Nice!

“from Greco-Roman Europe and Zoroastrian Persia, through to Hindu India and Egypt and tropical Africa and the Americas and the Oceania”

Pederasty was the most common form of homosexuality in both Ancient Greece and Rome. Today it would be considered pedophilia—is that what you are trying to promote? I , personally, don’t care if someone is homosexual. People can do whatever they want with their lives but pedophilia is something I will not tolerate, whether bigots like you have a problem with that or not, I don’t give a damn!

As for other religions you mentioned, fire-worship, burning of widows, cannibalism, human sacrifices and worship of gods of war was part of the cultures you just mentioned. Shows us what kind of person you are. You have a perception of Christianity and Judaism, and you criticize these religions for the beliefs you think exist in these religions yet you are completely unfamiliar about the pagan religions that you are trying to promote here.

“But the fundamental problem with the Abrahamic cults (aside from the fact that they are founded on lies)”

This cracked me up! You are a person of contradictions. You want people to go back to the pagan MYTHOLOGIES and you have no problem with that but Abrahamic religions? Oh no no, they are based on lies.

“For the Jew, this question is irrelevant, but the Jew defaults to the former position (there is no inherent morality, only God's fiat), and this much is true (to a slightly lesser extent) for the Mohammedan as well.”

How do you mean “to a slightly lesser extent”. You really don’t know anything about Islam, do you?

“Yahweh was a pagan god in the Semitic Canaanite pantheon who craved human blood”

I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say that maybe you didn’t mean to say “Yahweh” here because, sorry to burst your idiotic little bubble but Yahweh does not appear in any Canaanite writings or history. But I am sure you just made a mistake here, just like the rest of your comment, I am sure, is a mistake.

“Of course I can despise these religions without any ill feelings towards their followers. If you see anything "moral" in the barbarous Old Testament then you are beyond human decency…”

But its fine if you think pagan religions of the past were super awesome? Where human sacrifice, drinking of blood, pedophilia etc were instituted as a daily or weekly ritual? Yeah, shows who’s really beyond human decency.

Further ignorance on your part:

“Christianity: over 1 billion worldwide
Islam: over 1 billion worldwide”

Can’t you do research before you start typing? Christianity (with all its sects): 2.2 Billion and Islam (with all its sects, including Ahmadiyyah): 1.2-1.3 Billion

And if you are now going to start whining that you don’t call Atheists Christians then I just want to remind you of your own comment that said: “Christians: Most of them are nominal believers, atheist or at least deist in all but name. Or they pick and choose what to follow.”

“Muslims had no such process [i.e. enlightenment], for reasons that are not entirely clear.”
Its pretty darn clear to me and others that know Islam. Clearly you don’t know a thing about what you’re saying.

Just for kicks, the following:

“Revolutionary movements such as the American War of Independence and the French Revolution, lead by such figures as Voltaire, Paine, Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Napoleon, Lincoln”

I didn’t know Lincoln was part of either the American War of Independence or the French Revolution. Time travel is possible!

“If you were true to your pretension of being an "Infidel" Blogger's Alliance, you can rightfully criticize Islam along with the other poisonous Abrahamic doctrines.”

Of course you are too much of a moron to know that the reason the word Infidel is used in this blog is because that is what Muslims call non-Muslims. Simple! And we “can” rightfully criticize? Who the hell are you to dictate what we can or can’t do? Get your own blog!

“Also, since you mention the Talmud, it is nothing more than sick, racist hate literature. Consider the genocidal Noahide laws!”

While ignoring the same crap that you keep repeating (rich pagan cultures, blah blah blah), I came across this gem from you. Genocidal Noahide laws. Let’s see what these horrific laws are: Prohibition of Idolatry, prohibition of murder, prohibition of theft, prohibition of sexual immorality, prohibition of blasphemy, prohibition of eating flesh taken from an animal while it is still alive, establishment of courts of justice.

I got to tell you man, I really want to annihilate some people after I read these GENOCIDAL NOAHIDE LAWS!

“The figure of Jesus Christ (who is revered by both Christians and Muslims but despised by pious Jews), was probably the only good thing about those traditions. Ironically he can be seen as going *against* the Abrahamic tradition (i.e. the nascent Jewish religion, which was of course the only thing going on in his day) in many ways. It is unfortunate that he had such great teachings yet Christians do not really pay much attention to him.”

It is strange that you think Christ’s teachings were “great” on the one hand but on the other you think the Tanakh, the Old Testament, is despicable. Funny though because Jesus said that whoever teaches anyone to not follow even the tiniest bit of THE LAW will be the least in the Kingdom of God. Most of what Jesus says is from the Tanakh, guess wikipedia didn’t tell you that fact about the Gospels. I do agree with you, however, that Christians don’t pay much attention to him. It is because of that that Christianity is a separate religion and not a sect of Judaism. Oh and on the note of you hating Talmud so much and declaring Christ’s teachings as “great”, um the golden rule that Jesus told his followers comes from Hillel (his silver rule), he is one of the Talmudic rabbis.

“"Jesus Christ... Isaiah and latter Prophets," also figure in Islam. Muslims revere those aforementioned figures as prophets as part of a succession in a line of prophets from Adam, Noah, Moses... down to Muhammad.”

I know wikipedia says so. And I know a lot of Muslims in the West say so too. But first off, Jesus is not even mentioned in the Quran. It is Isa who is mentioned. Now you and other idiots might jump up and say “Isa is Jesus in Arabic” and to that I will just say, “since you don’t know Arabic, shut the hell up!” because Jesus in Arabic is “Yesu’” not Isa. Isa is closer to Esau not Jesus (or Iesous or Yeshua or Yehoshu’ah). Second, Isaiah is not mentioned in the Quran nor the Hadiths. Ibn Kathir later accepted him as a prophet but he is nowhere to be found in authoritative Islamic writings.

Now that we are past the technicalities, I want to talk about Jesus or Isa in Islam. Muslims say they revere and love all the prophets including Isa. That’s a grand statement but it is simply not true. Isa stands against everything Jesus stands for in the Bible. Muslims don’t know about the prophets or Jesus to be able to revere them. They revere a version of these figures that is not found anywhere but in the Quran. It is like this, I can create a figure in my head and say that its you. I name that figure Andy and give that figure a personality that I think it should have. Just because I imagined you in a certain way, doesn’t really make you so. And then if I proceed to say that you are my best friend, would you agree with that claim just because I claim so?

Why is it that people like you lose common sense when it comes to dealing with Islam? Muslims claim a lot of things but those claims are either not true or are half truths. For example, the statement that they revere all the prophets is half of what they believe. The truth would be that they revere all the prophets AS THEY ARE PRESENTED IN THE QURAN. So in reality, when compared with the Bible, they don’t revere any of the prophets, they corrupt their “biographies” and use them for their own good. Another example of such half truths is the statement that Islam is a religion of peace. It is half true because Muslims don’t go ahead and explain that you will be at peace if you accept Islam as the only religion, otherwise you will be dead.

“And there is the CRUX of the problem! You criticize Christian behavior but you mentally divorce such behavior from the religion. You do not give Muslims the same treatment. When a Christian behaves in a manner consistent with a literal reading of his book of Leviticus, that is "abberant behavior" but if a Muslim acts similarly, he is simply behaving in accordance with Islam. Double standard much?”

Actually, yes. That is how it is. But again, you’re too dumb to know the difference. Let’s take the example of the Crusades. Crusades and the idea is not found in the Bible. “Fight the unbelievers and get your sins forgiven.” Yeah, not part of the Bible. (By the way, I am not against the Crusades politically. They had to be fought after 400 years of onslaught by Muslim barbarians!) So from a religious point of view, any Christian will tell you that the Crusades were either wrong or not Biblical. Because (and I am repeating myself, knowing that you are slow of mind) fighting wars to get your sins forgiven is not part of the teachings of the Bible (no not even in the Tanakh).

Now, let us take the example of Jihad. Which in Arabic, literally, means Struggle but in the Quran it is always used in the context of war. The idea of spiritual jihad is both laughable, in the way the West has been taught it, and ridiculous. “Spiritual Jihad” is only performed in case there is a Muslim who is unable to go to war either because of his own health reasons or his parents’. That is it! Otherwise, you have to go to war for Allah whether you like it or not and if you don’t then you are a hypocrite who will be punished both in this world and the one hereafter.

So, to get to the point, when Muslims blow up crap, or when they murder innocent people, it is because that is what they are supposed to do according to the Quran. People usually say, “Yes, but they kill other Muslims, surely that is not part of Islam”. Well, dimwits out there, it is! Because when terrorist Muslims blow up street stores or shopping malls or buses, they are doing so believing that the people they are killing are befriending non Muslims (since they are not out fighting them) and according to the Quran, if you befriend non Muslims then you are one of them. And so killing these treasonous Muslims is a duty instituted by both Allah and Mohammed.

We do mention on this blog and make it clear when a practice by Muslims is not according to Islam. For example, Female circumcision, even though the practice is deeply rooted in Islam culture, it is not instituted in either the Quran, the Sira, or the Hadiths (not even any of the older commentaries). Of course, you are, again, too blind to notice all of that.

The problem with Muslims, and this goes against your argument, is that they do follow their religion to the letter. And it is their religion, which gave birth to their culture, that tells them to go and kill those that don’t follow Islam (except the people of the Book who should pay the Jizya, i.e. pay tribute and if they don’t, then they should be killed). You and your type just have a hard time accepting that. Because hey, only Christians and Jews can be evil, pagans, and everyone else just wants to live peacefully. Get a clue!

“After all, Adolf Hitler was a devout Roman Catholic. (FACT!) Does Hitler's reprehensible behavior speak for all of Catholicism?”

Adolf Hitler broke away from the Church (FACT!) and in fact loudly wished that Germans were Muslim instead of Christian (FACT!). Yes, he did still think that he was Christian and that God had chosen the Arian race to rule the world. And you’re right, that does not speak for the Catholic Church because it is not in either the Bible or their Catechisms but the Quran does teach that everyone who is not a Muslim is an enemy of Allah and has in effect to be killed. Your analogy fails right away when you look at the Quran and compare that with the Bible.

Muslims and their actions represent Islam because they FOLLOW ISLAM. Please show me a specific verse that Hitler followed that helped him annihilate about 12-14 million people (Jews and others). With idiots like you, I always have to repeat myself. Its frustrating!

“What about other Wahabbists, or the Shi'ite fascist clerics in Iran? Are they loathesome?”

This is another example that shows you know nothing about Islam. People that are called Wahabis are actually Salafis. Salafis are the first 3 generations of Muslims (including Mohammed) and they followed Islam perfectly. So that is what they are doing. Following Islam to the letter. That is why they are loathsome.

“Yes. But is it fair to tar all of Islam with that brush?”

Yes it is. Because Islam has not changed either in its interpretation or practice. There are people that either don’t practice all of it or they do and those that do, they blow up crap!

“In a limited sense the Muslims have science on their side…”

Everything that you said, the statement above was the most interesting from you. Muslims have science on their side. I would really love to know what science you are talking about. Did you happen to read Maurice Bucaille recently? Oh no wait, you don’t read books. Maybe you read it on wikipedia (since you link to it so much).

"Are you yourself a Muslim? Haha! No. Are you RETARDED?"

I think the reason Pastorius asked that question was because you do talk like a Muslim. You don’t make sense and you throw around a lot of angry words and think that does the magic. Muslim tricks, dude. Learn new ones!

“For the record, notwithstanding what you THINK, do Muslims follow the example of Jesus? Most do not,”

None do actually, if they follow the Quran. Because they don’t know what he did!

“"They don't believe He was the Prophesied God Messiah of Isaiah and Psalms."
Actually Pastorius, your blatant lies notwitstanding, Muslims do believe that Jesus was the Messiah, or at least a messiah. Look it up! (Or are you to lazy to use Google?)”

I think reading and understanding are not your strong suits. Pastorius clearly said that they don’t believe Jesus is the Prophesied GOD MESSIAH OF ISAIAH AND PSALMS. That is an accurate statement about Muslims. They do not believe that Jesus is God, period! (Actually they don’t talk about Jesus, Yesu’, as I said before. But I am going to let that go for now). Why can’t you read? Your vision blurry and red with anger?

“"They believe that, in the End Times, the Jews must be killed before Allah can restore the world."
Christians have similar End Times beliefs. Just swap "Allah" with "Christ."”

BAHAHAA!!!!!!!!!!!! I think that’s enough of a reply to your idiotic statement.

“"Christians simply have not done the rampaging, raping and pillaging that Muslims have."
Btw, your usage of the past tense…”

Where the hell’s the past tense Sherlock!? I only see Present Perfect. Don’t know English either then?

“I actually agree with you much of the way with regards to Islam, I just do not spare its similarly vile cousins from similar criticism.”

That’s great. Start your own blog.

“Personally, I do not see the need for the Abrahamic religions in the modern world.”

That’s not for you to decide, now is it. Frankly, you don’t even matter in the grand scheme of things (especially because of your reasoning which is worse than an infant’s at times).

Lastly I wanted to talk about your following comments:

“With such mental midgets on this big gay blog (really why so many team members on one blog? I don't mean to be homophobic, but so many men sharing a blog, it's a little gay…
But thanks for trying, fag!
You closet faggot neoconservatives crack me the hell up!”

All of that comes from you, yet you have the audacity to say the following:

“The Abrahamic religions managed to bulldoze indigenous "pagan" cultures (from Greco-Roman Europe and Zoroastrian Persia, through to Hindu India and Egypt and tropical Africa and the Americas and the Oceania), they spread homophobia.”

If you’re so worried about homophobia, you halfwit moron, then fix yourself first and then point your finger at others.

Feel free to reply to whatever I said. I will reply (even though I will take my time) only if your comment is worthy of a reply.

PASTORIUS CUTTING IN: Just for the record, when our Anonymous commenter writes that Yahweh was a Canaanite deity, it is information such as this to which he is referring:

The hypothesis of a Canaanite deity named Yahweh or Yahwi is accepted by some Ancient Near Eastern scholars, although no direct evidence from archeology has been found. The name Yahwi may possibly be found in some male Amorite names. Yahu may be found in a place name.
 It is interesting that people who defend Pagan religion are attempting to suggest that the God of the Bible grew out of Canaanite religion. The truth is, the Canaanites worshiped the bloodthirsty god Ba'al, who demanded child-sacrifice and ritual prostitution to keep himself satiated.


  1. You ripped him up good. Actually, you wasted too much brainpower and good writing on him.

    This anon is probably a freshman at some pretentious anti-American university, and toddler-like, is parroting the propaganda fed to him by his progressive overlords.

  2. Bravo, but then again I'm betting was easy intellectually, but very tedious.

    This is what we're dealing with.
    These idiots are being minted by the millions.
    This is the ignorance that is being actively disseminated in today's institutions of higher learning.

  3. Silverfiddle,

    Actually, even stupid bad arguments need refuting.

  4. Damien,
    You are right. Absolutely right.

    Unfortunately, even stupider people than this guy need refuting.

    If we do not respond, it is perceived as ceding the argument.

    This guy's points are so lame that, yes, it was tedious for myself and AA to respond. I thank AA for doing this. We decided that rather than continue responding in the comments section of that initial thread, AA would sum up the response in one longer post. This way it can stand as a single group of ideas for the future.


  6. Hahahaha .. You guys had that dude by the balls..
    BTW Judeo- Christianity is morally separate from Islam...At least the way its practiced... haven read any bible/torah/kkkoran etc so cant say what it says to the letter.
    Going off topic:
    Abrahamic religions do seem unappealing though. I mean 1 dude up in the sky making rules & putting ppl in hell. The concept seems stupid. and more suspiciously why did they come out of the desert??? from those tribes??? I mean that society was essentially tribal. That speaks volumes for their intellect. No offense intended I am just curious about Abrahemic religions thats all.

  7. WTF is Vengeance ?

    Google, Google, Google... Enter !

    Bingo !

    - take revenge;
    - blood feud
    - infliction of injury;
    - even out a score;
    - harm;
    - the nearest thing to Hell ! ;
    - humiliation;
    - boiling crap;
    - The True Story of an Israeli Counter-Terrorist Team
    - inflict punishment on;
    - God's Wrath;
    - pay back;
    - indescribable pain;
    - something that has no end;

    Ah-Ha !

    I like it !

  8. An awesome and learn-ed response/rebuttal.
    Most informative and very well done.
    It's why I visit IBA everyday. Well that and the babe of the week.
