
Monday, May 02, 2011

Avenging Apostate Used To Live In Abbotabad

I received the following, in an email, from Avenging Apostate this morning:
I used to live in Abbotabad. It is funny how the media refers to that city as "a major military base" or a "military garrison town". However its, in reality, more like a university town than a military town.

The population of Abbottabad is one of the most educated in all of Pakistan with some estimates reporting a 100 percent literacy rate for the city (although I am not sure how credible that information is). Where am I going with this?

It reveals another face of moderate Islam. Whether educated or not educated, westernized or easternized, white or black or brown or yellow, Muslims will always stick with each other against the West and will always support murderers like Osama in one way or another.

Is someone going to try and tell me that people didn't know what was going on in Abbottabad? Even though its a city of 1 million people, it has a feel of a small town so there is no way Osama was living there anonymously. If the normal populace didn't know then the important people like the generals and the politicians living there did know and there is no way they didn't.

This is yet another example of how moderate Muslims have backstabbed the West and the West has taken it without really noticed it has been stabbed.

My guess is Osama chose this town mainly because he knew that the West thinks that terrorists are some uneducated bunch that kill people on impulse, without planning (that is why a lot of Americans found it hard to believe that it was al qaeda that attacked America on 9/11), that the terrorists have no brains. So terrorists and Abbottabad cannot go hand in hand as Abbottabad is an educated town and hence, according to the West's perception, not prone to terrorism.

How much longer are we going to remain gullible? How much longer will I have to keep repeating the same thing over and over: there is no difference between Islamic fundamentalists and moderate Muslims; they are the same people with the same goal but merely their tactic and approach to the matter is different.


  1. Yesterday Sohaib Athar (@ReallyVirtual on Twitter) was just a “an IT consultant taking a break from the rat-race by hiding in the mountains”, specifically Abbottabad, northern Pakistan.
    The IT contractor and graduate of Preston University (which would account for his excellent British-sounding English) also says he’s a ‘startup specialist’ on his LinkedIn profile.
    But today he will become known as the guy who, while live-tweeting a series of helicopter flypasts and explosion, unwittingly covered the US forces helicopter raid on Osama Bin Laden’s compound.

    hat tip comment at gateway pundit

  2. When he reached a village with his bodyguards he would request a meeting with the local tribal leader and a substantial bribe would be paid.Bin Laden would then be the guest of the village, where under Pashtun custom, he must be protected.Nothing different in a larger town.They all use the same Koran as Barry used!

  3. Really? Small world! Did this Avenging Apostate fellow by chance live off of Bakalakadaka Street or thereabouts?
