
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Muslim Woman Kills Herself By Repeatedly Slamming Her Head Against The Coffee Table?

Florida: Muslim woman’s death accidental or an ‘Dishonor’ killing a.k.a. MURDER?

It is Florida Family Association’s opinion that given the circumstances of Fatima Abdallah’s personal life and the facts surrounding her death that there is a need for the Tampa Police Department to reopen this case or for the State Attorney to open a new inquiry to fully investigate Fatima Abdullah’s death. 

Tampa Police determined that Fatima Abdallah killed herself by repeatedly beating her head against a coffee table and the floor. Tampa Rescue calls the TPD explanation illogical, says she looked like someone beat her up and notes other injuries went unexplained. Private Investigations, Inc. summarized “…there is a glaring absence of any suspicion, from either report (TPD and ME reports), that the decedent could have possibly been a victim of an assault that eventually caused her death.”  

Florida Family Association learned about the death of a 48 year old Arab woman named Fatima Abdallah whose demise did not appear to be caused by an accident as the Tampa Police Department officially determined.

Florida Family Association hired an experienced private investigator who was a former police detective to research and explore Fatima’s death.

Our investigation revealed the following about Fatima Abdallah’s personal life. Fatima:
•Lived in the same household as did three related Arab named families.
•Was allegedly divorced by her cousin husband because she could not have children and he married another cousin.
•Allegedly brought shame to her Muslim family because of her divorce according to neighbors.
•Was allegedly not permitted to return to her homeland in the Middle East by the family.
•Was allegedly not permitted to drive on her own even though she was licensed.
•Was allegedly the subject of many arguments with other family members.
•Was allegedly treated badly and had unthinkable things done to her by her older brother.
Our investigation revealed the following about Fatima Abdallah’s death:
•Family members claimed that she killed herself by repeatedly slamming her head onto a coffee table and the floor. The Tampa Police Department accepted this claim as the cause of death. Tampa Rescue said she looked like someone beat her up and disputed the probability that she could have killed herself in that manner. In addition to head, face and lip injuries she had several lower fractured ribs with hemorrhage in the area which is normal in cases of blunt trauma to the rib cage
•Five family members waited nearly 2 ½ hours before calling 911.
•The call to 911 dispatch gave a completely different version of what happened to Fatima and her state of mind than was reported by detectives on the scene. The same family member gave two different accounts. 

There is no honor in murder. Period.  It’s murder and any coverup of murder is accessory after the facts, if the DA covers up than it’s more like a conspiracy.


Read the full story here.


  1. No need to suspect murder, Islam is a "religion of Peace".

  2. I wonder how many honor killings all over the United States get written off as suicides or accidents.

  3. Pastorius,

    I don't know if this was a cover up or not, it doesn't sound like the people alleging a cover up have other than a assertion. While it maybe plausible that this was an honor killing, until some more evidence comes up, no one is going to jail over this. This information brought fourth by the Florida Family Association makes it sound like their might have been foul play, but its pretty circumstantial, unfortunately. It only makes it sound more plausible that this was an honor killing.

  4. Hi guys.
    I for one refuse to call it honor killings there's no honor in murder i allways call it Dishonor killings .And it's high time the news papers call it by it's right name.
