
Saturday, June 04, 2011

Dodging a Bullet - Ohio University: "Intellectual Disgrace"

I applied to Ohio University's PhD program in American History with special emphasis on military history. They didn't accept me, nor did they give any reason. Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller visited OU a few days ago. They encountered a bunch of "intellectual" fascists bent on indoctrinating students into good, little dhimmis:
Joining us was our cinematographer, David Miles, who is an alumnus of Ohio University. But OU students and faculty were in no mood to discuss the issues our documentary raised: even before we arrived on campus, the student newspaper, The Post, ran a "review" of the film entitled "NYC mosque film inaccurate, bigoted." It was written by Brandon Kendhammer, an Assistant Professor of Political Science at OU. Kendhammer retailed libelous generalizations about us and about our work, without offering a single example of the inaccuracy and bigotry he purported to find in our film.
Indeed, Kendhammer couldn't have given an example of those things even if he had wanted to. Why not? Because he had not even seen the film. Got that? The Post ran a review of the film written by someone who could not have seen it.

With a fine Orwellian touch, Kendhammer claimed that we wished to undo America's legacy of religious freedom -- without explaining how opposing forces that would establish a law that institutionalizes discrimination against women and extinguishes the freedom of speech and the freedom of conscience amounts to opposing religious freedom, while fronting for this repressive ideology presumably amounts to supporting that freedom.
Of course, the rest of the faculty and the university administration were MIA, and made no attempt to support or encourage genuine discussion.

Neither Jihadists nor academic "liberals" can tolerate freedom of speech or thought.

Crossposted at The Dougout

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