
Friday, June 03, 2011

Jawa Report:

The One's
Censorship: The Jewish Video Obama Doesn't Want On the Web

Obama White House Tells Jewish Chorus to Take Down Their Pro-Obama Video , which they did..

Will Jews who voted for The One finally get a clue?

Tell me, what is the Jewish saying for get a clue Jew?

This is the group:

Why take down the video and notify a website which had hosted it on their website to remove the video, which they did?

I would have said screw you, this is a free country.

What, is Obama afraid his anti-Semitic leftist friends may see it?

Censorship. thy name is The One.


  1. Hi Midnight,
    i think Jawa has it wrong.

    As part of the entertainment at the event, the Maccabeats were invited to sing several songs. They also did an impromptu acapella chant, with beautiful harmonies, of ”Four More Years,” which was the video posted on

  2. I'm glad they took it down ! 
    Asking Putin to sing the "Stars and Stripes" or the POTUS to sing "Ochi Chornaya", would be much better idea !
