
Thursday, June 02, 2011

New, Free Egypt: Prominent Cleric Says Financial Problems Can Be Solved By Conducting Jihad Raids To Capture “Slaves, Women And Children To Sell Like Groceries”…

 From Atlas Shrugs:

It's what Muhammad did, and he is, after all, the "perfect model," according to Islam. And this is how Islam advanced and financed its wars and expansionism throughout Islamic history.

We are in the era of jihad. The era of jihad has come over us, and jihad in the path of Allah is a pleasure. It is a real pleasure. The companions (of the Prophet) used to compete to (perform jihad). The poverty that we’re in—is it not due to our abandonment of jihad? But if we could conduct one, two, or three jihadist operations every year, many people throughout the earth would become Muslims. And whoever rejected this da’wa, or stood in our way, we would fight against him and take him prisoner, and confiscate his wealth, his children, and his women—all of this means money.

Every mujahid who returned from jihad, his pockets would be full. He would return with 3 or 4 slaves, 3 or 4 women, and 3 or 4 children. Multiply each head by 300 dirhams, or 300 dinar, and you have a good amount of profit. If he were to go to the West and work on a commercial deal, he would not make that much money. Whenever things became difficult (financially), he could take the head (i.e. the prisoner) and sell it, and ease his (financial) crisis. He would sell it like groceries.

He's got a point, right?


  1. Mailed you this story yesterday, don't tell me she reads my blog?lol

  2. The worthless bastard left out a couple of things.

    ...we would fight against him and TRY take him prisoner, and TRY TO confiscate his wealth, his children, and his women—all of this means money UNLESS WE GET OUR SORRY ASSES KILLED IN THE PROCESS.""

    Does this idiot think that people will just bend over when they jihad us w/the intention of taking 'spoil.'

  3. What a brilliant idea! 300Tunisan Dinar would be $ 30, Egyptian pound would be $50 . Move the Copts to palestine, the palestinans to Egypt, nuke the lot and pay the blood money demanded by the Koran, $50 a head, that would be a one time payment of
    $3.5 billion. Cheap at the price.

  4. Comment from U-Tube :-
    This seems more do-able to religous muslims instead of working on their economy, education,  freedom and other such issues' like any other non-Muslim country.

    Now see this :-
