
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Expect This To Ratchet Up

Via Creeping Sharia:

In the wake of the horrific slaughter in Norway, what I've been hearing on NBC is the anti-gun theme. Expect more of that same meme.


  1. The real truth is that if some of the victims had been carrying a gun we probably wouldn't be referring to them as a victim, but rather as a hero.

  2. Hogwash I say!

    Fully automatic assault rifles without a background check? You aren't getting a pre-86 MG without putting down at least $10K and then you get to pay your $200 tax to the ATF (so they can buy guns themselves to send to Mexico). You also need the signature of a chief law enforcement officer and then you get to wait 3 months to take possession of your rifle. That's a far cry from getting an auto on the way to the grocery store like this video suggests. The facts aren't important in a fear campaign.
