
Monday, July 25, 2011

It Begins:The character assassination Of Robert Spenser

David Horowitz:

The New York Times today has a wretched editorial masquerading as a news story on Robert Spencer and his alleged complicity in the Oslo massacres because his ideas are cited by the lunatic responsible. Joseph McCarthy could not have done it better. The Times next will blame Noam Chomsky for the crimes of Osama bin Laden and Al Gore for the crimes of the Unabomber since the ideas of both were cited by the lunatics. Chomsky is not only cited by the Islamic terrorists, he openly supports them -- yet the Times would be the first to express shock and outrage at mere suggestion of Chomsky's complicity in the crimes of al-Qaeda, Hizbollah and Hamas.

Robert Spencer has never supported a terrorist act. His crime in the eyes of the left is to have told the truth about Islamic fanatics beginning with the Islamic prophet who called for the extermination of the Jews and said in his farewell speech that he was called to fight until all men say that there is no God but allah. (see Bruce Thornton's article today's Frontpage).

The attack on Robert Spencer a man of great courage and decency is just one phase in the war against all those who speak out against Islamic terror and Islamic imperialism. The Times attack is but the latest and most repulsive salvo in this war.
There is absolutely NO DOUBT that those forces who despise the founding documents because we ended up as the greatest nation, and one of rejected, orphaned, and unwanted refugees, who are PROUD today, will follow the dictum of Rahm ....


And we understand what you are doing.
And there is no excuse or place to hide

No one against Islamism, Wahabbism, supremacist Khomeinism could ever have espoused the very acts they utilize.
Terror as a strategy and tactic.
Murder for political manipulation.
Joy in it's act and result.

To even INSINUATE such a thing to be true demonstrates only the most profound lack of comprehension of both the forces which seek to ensure the ascendance of radical Islam, AND those who wish to ensure the sovereignty of HUMAN BEINGS.
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  1. The deeds of Breivik are the wedge to shut down any criticism of Islam.

    Will those deeds "take down" Robert Spencer? I don't think so.

    But we're kidding ourselves if we think that no damage has been done. I'm saying this with an ache in my heart.

    Furthermore, the smear has just begun.

    Will be watching the evening news tonight. Mainstream news, that is.

  2. The attack on Christian conservatives to silence the truth was inevitable, and Breivik gave them the opportunity. I see this attack getting much worse, even to the point of shutting down websites, imprisoning and executing the messengers of truth. I see this because it is fulfilled prophecy. "Those who are wise will instruct many, though for a time they will fall by the sword or be burned or captured or plundered." (Daniel 11:33) We are in the end times and it's going to be difficult for Christians, Jews, and anyone who supports the truth.

  3. Ron,
    I see this attack getting much worse, even to the point of shutting down websites...

    Didn't I say as much on Saturday in my post on that day?

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Breivik's deeds are the wedge needed to silence any criticism of Islam. We're naive to think that this silencing isn't the direction that things are heading right now.

  4. There is no basis,,,, NO BASIS, UNDER THE CONSTITUTION OF THE USA for shutting down any website.


    I am not even concerned.

    It would be a sure loser, attract pro bono efforts of the BEST lawyers, embarrass utterly anyone who was involved, and form not just a rallying point but also a firm basis for advancement of our ideas.


    On what basis could they proceed?

    Look HERE

    Look HERE

    Look HERE

    Look HERE

    Shut down WEB SITES?

    On what basis?


  5. On what basis?

    National security?

    Curbing hate speech?

    Constitutional basis will be ignored if things go badly.

    Of course, things might not go badly.

    We shall see.
