
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Obama 41%, Ron Paul 37%? Christie and Perry, PLEASE GIVE US MORE CHOICES!!

Rasmussen’s INCREDIBLE poll showing professional Larouchian attractor semi-crank, Stormfront $ accepting, but right about the debt, Ron Paul running competitively with Obama result, is SCROTUM SHRIVELING evidence of how seriously the american public is worried.

I have absolutely NO IDEA who I favor on the republican side, but I know I want more choice than I have. I know I DO NOT like a very disappointing Cain, an even MORE disappointing Newt, I find Romney BLAH and uninspiring, as I do Pawlenty (whose main favorability rating is that he is not TERRIBLE), I am in awe of Bachmann managing to be so right about the Constitution and so stupid in so many of her trap yappings, and so on down the list.

I do know that when I hear Christie speak about things plainly, it’s obvious he can GET THE MAIN MESSAGE OVER. I don’t know about Perry.

But I know this is the most important election since 1932, and maybe since 1860. It may turn out to be as important as the ratification debates in the mid 1780’s.

I would not be unhappy to see some people who may be regarded as outliers such as Perry and Rubio and Bolton get into it just to be sure we get a full debate and see who can carry the message to independents.

Ron Paul is absolutely NOT the answer, and I am not talking about just beating Obama. The fate of the nation may be riding on this election, and we have to think about what is best for the nation to survive and be what it was designed to be, NOT WIN ELECTIONS.

In the current breakdown of debt talks we can see what happens with posturing to win elections.

If only ~30% of the american people think we are on the right track, it is essential the republicans find the right person for the benefit of the nation. NOT THE PARTY.

We need more choice to ensure that result.

Chris, Rick, John, Marco…THINK ABOUT THAT FIRST

Think about that today, will you?

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