
Friday, August 26, 2011

Both Martin Wisse and the Atlantic blow it

A left-wing writer named Martin Wisse has attacked another writer for the Atlantic, because she wouldn't include any works by the anti-Israel cartoonist Joe Sacco in her listing of 10 best examples of graphic nonfiction. But then, she herself is blowing it by answering that her reason why:
You guys are right–I almost included Footnotes in Gaza but chickened out at the last moment because the topic is so polarizing. I was already expecting heat from rank-and-file fanboys/girls about the overall list and didn’t want to brave the Palestine question as well.
So in response to anyone who criticized her for not including the disgraceful Sacco, she only signaled that she's not much better. Instead of answering that she didn't bother because she feels his work is propagadistic and offensive, she just had to offer that weak response.

Wisse's reply to this was:
That’s what you call self censorship. It’s not just that Joe Sacco is one of the best and most influential non-fiction cartoonists around, somebody who should not be left off any such top ten list, but as opposed to the majority of people on The Atlantic’s list, he has actually done comics journalism.
Yawn. Such crap.

Found via CBR's Robot 6 blog, where one of the people who gathered this, Brigid Alverson, is something of an apologist for Islam herself.

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