
Monday, August 01, 2011


It is one thing and bad enough for the Lamestream Media to Label Tea Party believers as terrorists.

It is even worse when members of Congress do so.

It is quite another altogether when the sitting Vice President of the United States of America calls us terrorists. The man who is but a heartbeat away from the most powerful position on Earth. To liken the people he is supposed to represent to the world, his fellow citizens, to those who would crash planes into buildings and blow them out of the air. Who explode VBIEDs at Government offices and randomly shoot children at a camp.

This is no mere gaffe on his part. Not just rhetoric. There is no way it can be.

When he shows such little regard for freedom of speech and opinion, especially when presented in a peaceful if boisterous voice, he shows he is not fit to lead these very people should the moment arise.

This is unconscionable and inexcusable.



Biden: Tea partiers like 'terrorists'
By JONATHAN ALLEN & JOHN BRESNAHAN | 8/1/11 4:07 PM EDT Updated: 8/1/11 4:58 PM EDT

Vice President Joe Biden joined House Democrats in lashing tea party Republicans Monday, accusing them of having “acted like terrorists” in the fight over raising the nation’s debt limit.

Biden was agreeing with a line of argument made by Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Pa.) at a two-hour, closed-door Democratic Caucus meeting.

“We have negotiated with terrorists,” an angry Doyle said, according to sources in the room. “This small group of terrorists have made it impossible to spend any money.”

Biden, driven by his Democratic allies’ misgivings about the debt-limit deal, responded: “They have acted like terrorists,” according to several sources in the room.

Biden’s office declined to comment about what the vice president said inside the closed-door session.

Earlier in the day, Biden told Senate Democrats that Republican leaders have “guns to their heads” in trying to negotiate deals.

The vice president’s hot rhetoric about tea party Republicans underscored the tense moment on Capitol Hill as four party leaders in both chambers work to round up the needed votes in an abbreviated time frame. The bill would raise the debt limit by as much as $2.4 trillion through the end of next year and reduce the deficit by an equal amount over the next decade.

Democrats had no shortage of colorful phrases in wake of the deal.

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) called it a “Satan sandwich,” and Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) called seemed to enjoy the heat analogy, saying: “the Tea Partiers and the GOP have made their slash and burn lunacy clear, and while I do not love this compromise, my vote is a hose to stop the burning. The arsonists must be stopped.

The deal was consummated Sunday night, the text of the bill was posted in the wee hours of Monday morning, and the House was expected to vote first on it Monday afternoon or evening. But there are still plenty of concerns in both parties and in both chambers.

Liberal Democrats have had the most averse reaction to the plan, which ensures between $2.1 trillion and $2.4 trillion in deficit reduction over the next decade without requiring any of it to come from tax increases.

Biden told Democratic lawmakers that the deal would take away the tea party’s “weapon of mass destruction” — the threat of a default on U.S. debt obligations.

“They have no compunction about blowing up the economy to get what they want,” Doyle told POLITICO after the meeting.

Hey! Uncle Joe!


  1. Biden is a leftie.

    To most lefties, the men who started the American Revolution were terrorists.

    Ergo, in a very, very twisted way, this is a compliment.

  2. Believe me I am trying very very hard NOT to take it that way :)

  3. It's probably more reasonable to NOT take it as a compliment.

  4. Joe Biden and the democratic leadership have since 2004, funded by Soros money taken an unswerving BOLSHEVIK attitude about anyone to their right.

    Time for the conservatives to double down.

    The democratic party as it is today is not the party of FDR, HST, or JFK OR EVEN LBJ


    Joe Biden and the democratic party leadership today, by using the language, tactics, and strategy they do ARE A DANGER TO THE REPUBLIC via the factionalism Madison and Monroe warned against in the Federalist.

    If they continue they will have bloody hands IN THE END.

    If they continue they place us DIRECTLY on the identical path of Rome in 133 BC when civility broke down followed by civil wars which ebbed, raged and flowed from then until 28 BC.

    Republican leadership should IMMEDIATELY demand Biden REMOVAL and rush to explain the horror of the democrats behaving this way.

    As soon as I saw you post title, MR I knew the subject

    We now call on the REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP, McConnell, Paul, DeMint, McCain, Boehner, Cantor, Ryan, King, ALL to appear together to DEMAND the removal of Biden and an END to teh use of such language and tactics by the Democratic Party USA

    We now call on those republican running for president to do the same and ring the bell until the american people understand how false this is, and where this leads.


  5. Hmm. You're reacting very strongly, Epa.

    Is this the first time a politician holding high office has made such an outrageous statement.

    I seem to recall John Kerry, when running for President, making statements that made it sound as if he thought there may have been a US government conspiracy involved in 9/11.

    Am I incorrect in my memory? In fact, I think that is more outrageous because it is more likely to be believed.

    While I think this is tremendously irresponsible on Biden part, I think most will take it for hyperbole.

  6. Yes, my recollection re; Kerry and a 9/11 conspiracy was correct.

    Here is a reference to the John Kerry 9/11 conspiracy story:

  7. Wow, I thought the Dems from the acting president on down were willing to negotiate with Ahmadinejad (no preconditions), al-quaeda and the Taliban.

    Maybe if conservatives start calling themselves the American Taliban, they'll get some respect.

  8. You know what's ironic. The Left can't bring itself to call real terrorists 'terrorists' but they call the tea party it.

    Brain dead lefties.

  9. the photo of Johnny Cash about says it all!!

  10. The difference is that John Kerry was a Senator running for high office at the time. He did not hold the office or rank *for lack of a better word) that Biden does.

    In that sense Kerry is no different than Pelosi of Reid and their Tea Party/Republican/Conservative slanders.

    Biden, however, is at a different level altogether.

    If the slanders used by Congress are beneath their office than exponentially more so that of the Vice President.

    And it is being used to not only harden the progressive left against conservatives, but also to try and convince lest steadfast conservatives that their is a group within their midst that it would be "bad" to be associated with.

    Whether Biden thought this through (not likely) or was caught in the moment and engaged in rhetorical talking point hyperbole doesn't really matter. It is far beneath the statesmanship HE IS SUPPOSED TO SHOW in his position.

    And he should be held to account for it.

    Had Cheney said this he'd already be digging ditch to lay oil pipe.

    At least so says I. :)

  11. pasto your reaction is what I am afraid of.

    It is now ACCEPTABLE to make such inciting remarks by high officeholders.

    Objectively, it is NOT acceptable. IT is only time until a 'Becket' incident follows.

    Obama may believe in socialist ideals, but he is not a communist.

    Rand Paul may wish the govt never had to take a stand telling private restaurants they are NOT free to refuse to serve certain people, but he not a terrorist.

    It is one thing for us to get worked up in here with each other because no harm is possible and sooner or later we laugh, but in 133 BC as Tribune of the plebs, Gaius Gracchus proposed a wealth transfer, right or wrong from the well to do to the poor veterans, the breakdown in civility led directly to his death, his brother's. and then scores of followers, and then civil wars, through Marius, Sulla, Cinna, Pompei and Caeser.

    Directly. That had been a dedicated and great republic with traditions far older than ours.

    The very knowledge of this inarguable path is known to Biden I am sure, despite any thought of his stupidity. Nor is it the only such example.

    Joe Biden should not only not have said such a thing, but if such a thing was said in his presence (as it was, Doyle-PA) his reaction should have been unswerving that such comments had no place in COngress or anywhere in Dem leadership.

    But of course, such comments ARE THE PARTISAN POLITICAL STRATEGY AND TACTICS of the dem party today.

    How long until the partisan responses?

    Bachmann has a lot to say and a mouth to say it. So does Palin.

    Biden should not quit, Obama should ask for his resignation.

    it is up to authority to STOP THIS

  12. MR,
    You write: Whether Biden thought this through (not likely) or was caught in the moment and engaged in rhetorical talking point hyperbole ...

    I respond; I think he had to have had it thought through, because the metaphors remained consistent through the whole thing. Biden simply is not smart enough to have piled "terrorist", weapons of mass destruction", and "guns to their heads" all into one paragraph without some diversion into, say, "chicks dig me", "whatever happened to that Eddie Albert", and "where are my Depends?, oh year I'm wearin' 'em".

  13. Epa,
    Don't get me wrong, I think this is beyond the pale.

    But, I also think much of history is beyond the pale. And, we have no laws on this kind of stuff, so I don't know what can be done about it.

    Maybe John Boehner could challenge Biden to a duel at sundown.

    I don't mean to be sarcastic, but you know, that would be historically consistent.

  14. Hell, McCain refered to the Tea Party as Hobbits, so he can't demand anything.
    As Rand Paul said..."I'd rather be a Hobbit than a Troll. Just sign me Frodo.

  15. As I've said before, Joe Biden is brain damaged. Literally. How the American people ever stood still for him to be VP is beyond me.

    Disclaimer: The above essay is not intended to elicit any sympathy for Biden's brain condition.

  16. I agree with AOW. I think he is brain damaged. Even more reason to believe his comments were, indeed, pre-planned. I don't think the guy can talk off the cuff safely. And when he does, I think he will not be coherent enough to lace a metaphor through an entire paragraph.

  17. Pasto, Boehner would be the wrong guy.


    {SARC ON}
    Who would blow the smoke off the barrel in a red dress, and drive every stupid bastard out of their mind
    {/SARC OFF}
