
Saturday, August 20, 2011

This is where we're at: Joe Biden has more sense than his boss

Biden is in China trying to impress the lenders, as the the world economic situation is in full tsunami alert mode, and US unemployment and inflation are in a race for the top as the DOW can’t decide to tank or rise slightly after tanking, but one truth prevails… GOLD IS HEADED NORTH WITHOUT STOP

American workers who want one cannot find a job let alone, take a trip or go on vacation….

Eating at a tiny Beijing restaurant renowned for its fried liver and pig intestines, the vice president balked: “Noodles or dumplings.”

That meal for five, which included the new U.S. ambassador to China Gary Locke and Biden’s granddaughter, cost about 79 yuan ($12), and seemed to have struck the right chord with Chinese microbloggers.

By noon the next day tens of thousands had weighed in on the lunch, many admiring the careful choreography to show how wisely Americans spend their money.

Meanwhile in Massachusetts', Martha’s Millionaire playground, at his $15k per week shack,

President and Mrs. Obama are sharing in the sacrifice tonight at the Beach Plum Restaurant on Martha’s Vineyard, which features an array of overpriced selections for the first couple to choose from that could easily bring the bill within range of $200.

They might, for example, choose to start the meal with a $15 chunk of pizza cheese – I’m sorry, “Fresh Mozzarella” with “Fresh Basil, vine ripened tomatoes, aged balsamic reduction, and chive dill.”

This is a good mix because some things are fresh, and some things are aged.

But the sacrifice really gets serious with the entree, where the Obamas may want to order half a chicken for $38. Excuse me, please, “Herb crusted roasted half Katama Farm chicken; garlic mashed potatoes with steamed broccollini, rosemary jus.”

This would be perfect for me, because when I get tired of Perdue, I alway switch to Katama Farm.

There’s also the steamed twin Menemsha lobsters for $48. Isn’t Menemsha some kind of club for geniuses? I’ll take those.

But to be sure that they’re twins, I’ll need a BIRTH CERTIFICATE.

Now, I’m just a stupid, avg bum, but wouldn’t it have fit the mold of Obama’s Dept of Education (or is that the ‘some are more equal than others’ re-education dep’t?) ‘modeling correct behavior’ memes if the LEADER had said, something along the lines of:

‘I simply don’t feel right taking this kind of vacation while so many of my own countrymen cannot find jobs, cannot pay rent or mortgages, worry every day and every night where the money is going to come from’

and CANCELLED this kind of vacation and then just gone to Camp David (which is a mountain resort for leaders of the USA out of reach of reporters, but a place we all would have understood).

What would THAT have said to the nation?

What does this Vineyard vacation say to the nation? Maybe instead of lobster he and MEEEEECHELLE will have the $38 chicken entree and call that sacrifice.

Barack Obama and his wife are self entitled, amazingly UN self controlled, self defined elite self privileged ASSHOLES who don’t worry about the effect of their REAL ACTIONS when personal comfort and immediate happiness are at question. HE is the perfect president for the situation we are in.

Joe Biden and his $12 lunch (for FIVE...and what does that illustrate, Americans?) and Barack and his choice represent the difference between a real politician and a spoiled child with no idea what he is doing.



  1. Ye, gods!

    What a headline for the title of this post!

  2. Barack Obama and his wife are self entitled, amazingly UN self controlled, self defined elite self privileged ASSHOLES...

    Go, Epa!

    That comment needs to be in the sidebar!
