
Saturday, October 22, 2011

How to destroy Islam - non-violently

From Trencherbone:

If we don't destroy Islam as an ideology it will exterminate us culturally and physically
Islam is an utterly ruthless totalitarian political system disguised as a religion. Islam will literally stop at nothing to achieve its objective of world domination, with all non-Muslims exterminated or enslaved. Muslims who deny this are lying (Muslims are encouraged to tell lies to further the expansion of Islam). Terrorism is an intrinsic and inseparable part of Islam.

Consequently, the ideology of Islam MUST be defeated. It must be consigned to the dustbin of history along with those other vicious totalitarianisms - Nazism and Communism. The alternative is our extermination as a civilisation, and the whole world being plunged into an endless theocratic Dark Age.

There can be no violent solution
In an age of nuclear weapons, the option of exterminating Islam the way we exterminated Nazism - by world war - is unthinkable. Apart from anything else, there is no guarantee that the West could win an all-out World War III against Islam. Our infrastructure, government and military have been too far infiltrated by jihadists. There would be thousands of Fort Hood style massacres of our troops if a war broke out between Dar al-Harb and Dar al-Islam, not to mention massive sabotage of military and civilian infrastructure and violent intifadas in Muslim-dominated cities throughout the West.

This is not to say that the Muslims would win a World War either. The victors of WWIII would be well-organised authoritarian states with small Muslim populations who would be prepared to be ruthless in keeping their Muslims in order. China springs to mind.

A new cold war
The only option for defeating Islam is to undermine it in the same way we undermined communism - by a slow process of ideological warfare.

There are three factors driving the growth and continued existence of Islam in the West.
(1) Immigration
(2) Undeserved public respect for Islam as a 'religion', when actually it is a primitive, anti-rational, totalitarian criminal conspiracy -- a combination of the Mafia and the Nazi Party.
(3) The 'strong horse' effect -- all the special privileges and legal immunities that Muslims in the West enjoy, so there are no social or material (as distinct from spiritual) incentives for them to abandon their cult. Being a Muslim gives you high social status, exemption from normal laws, and special privileged treatment in many areas of life.
Muslims can get anything, and get away with anything, just by shouting 'racism' or 'Islamophobia'.
Here are some ideas of how to deal with (2) and (3):

Altering the spiritual and material cost/benefits of being a Muslim
Like other religions, Islam promises spiritual benefits from being a member of the cult - namely avoidance of hell and entry into paradise, which in Islam's case is a well-appointed brothel in the sky. But unlike other religions, Islam also offers material benefits in the here and now, for example immunity to normal laws, superior status to all non-Muslims (dhimmis) and sanctified rape and pillage where the victims are non-Muslims.

Adherence to any belief system usually has two components - faith and conformity. In Islam, as with communism, the forces of conformity are very strong and are imposed with murderous ruthlessness. Nevertheless, once the faith has gone, the habits of conformity will become an empty shell, which will eventually implode.

So we need to attack Islam on both fronts, by demonstrating that the spiritual benefits of the 'faith' are bogus - Islam is confidence trick set up by a ruthless megalomaniac - and also we need to decrease the benefits of conformity by increasing the costs and reducing the benefits of being a Muslim in the material world here and now.

Whether or not individual Muslims really believe in the cult of Mohammed, Muslims in the West find the 'Muslim Identity' very useful as a source of special entitlement, fast-track immigration, no-questions-asked welfare benefits, disproportionate political power, preferential housing and immunity from normal laws. There is thus no incentive to abandon their predatory sociopathic cult.


Destroying and replacing Muslim beliefs
Islam may appear hard, but it is also brittle. A small crack anywhere in the structure can spread throughout. Islam claims that the Koran is the literal word of God, which was dictated to, but not written by, Mohammed.

So it's an all-or-nothing cult. Any fault in the Koran, or doubts as to the truthfulness of Mohammed, can cause the whole system to disintegrate. Muslims already subconsciously realise this, because they fly into tantrums whenever either Mohammed or the Koran is 'disrespected' . Under Sharia law any criticism or either Mohammed or the Koran is blasphemy which is punished by death.
Go read the whole thing.


  1. P,

    Hi it's been a long time.

    So, you were suggesting to exterminate Islam, and...
    what is the other alternative we have? or what you are offering?

    I would appreciate it if you care to elaborate.

    Thank You.

  2. That graphic would make a fabulous sticker to circulate during Halloween. Imagine the uproar.

  3. islam should be quarantined

  4. I agree 100% with what is said that Islam is to be destroyed and I assure you that NOTHING from outside can destroy Islam. This is only possible from within. Thus is suggest anyone TRULY interested to Destroy ISLAM TOTALLY for all time, go to and order that work to READ it and study it and PROMOTE it unto all the Nations of the world as this will be the ONLY WAY. There is NO other way.

  5. I have sent a copy to Professor Paul Degengowski to read as he was pressurised by two ignorant Muslim students to RESIGN from Tarrant Colloge where he lectured on Religion and called Islam a CULT. The I sent word to Geert Wilders awaiting Trail in Netherland for defending his religious beliefs on being eradicated and totally eroded by Islam in Holland so that is he reads "APOCRYPHA999" he will have tools to defend himself and anyone else against the ravages of Satan in Islam and the LIES they propagate since there is ONLY ONE thing can ever destroy the LIE and that is the TRUTH to set all free.

  6. Impossible. The koran cannot be altered - it is the final verbatim revelation of God to his people. At best we can only confine Islam to Islamic countries and allow those countries to self implode, particularly once saudi arabia tuna out of petro dollars.
