
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Walid Phares: Barack Obama has essentially given half of the Middle East to Iran and half to the Muslim Brotherhood

Lebanese-American Christian and Middle East terrorism expert, Walid Phares, who has worked with both the Defense and State Departments, says that Obama’s misguided policies have all but destroyed any hope for real democratic reform in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, soon Syria, and ultimately Iraq and Afghanistan.


  1. Professor Walid Phares didn't use this terminology. He said on Fox News that the consequences of US policy in the Arab Spring was that half of the Middle East will be under Iranian influence and the other half under Muslim Brotherhood influence

  2. Good point. I will take the quotation marks off the title.

  3. "Walid Phares,..., says that Obama’s misguided policies have all but destroyed any hope for real democratic reform in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, soon Syria, and ultimately Iraq and Afghanistan"

    On the other hand if you were one of those hoping these regions might one day be uninhabited...

  4. What do you mean? You think Obama is preparing the ME for nuclear annihilation?
