
Friday, October 28, 2011

Yippie! Hooray! Yahooooo!

Markets are up because the Euronuts are intent on committing economic suicide and the U.S. economic news was great! The GDP was up 2.5%!

WooHoo! Great! There Is No Recession! No Depression

Except that

1) official unemployment is still through the roof

2) unofficial unemployment (those falling off the books like yours truly) is far far worse

and, smelling a rat in the woodpile I went looking and found,

3) About that GDP number


Just so we're clear

GDP is defined as " the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country"

Now, I'll kindly direct your attention to the Consumer Price Index, This chart in particular, which is the change in CPI for ALL goods month over month year over year

Down there, at the bottom

Sept 2010 -- 218.439

Sept 2011 -- 226.889

well, that's an increase of 3.9 % (ok, 3.868%) over last year.


So EVERYTHING costs roughly 3.9% more than it did last year.

So if the market value of all goods and services is 2.5%, and the cost to buy those goods is 3.9%, doesn't that kinda wipe out any good GDP news? At the very least it says the increase in GDP is ALL because of INFLATION.

I heard this elsewhere locally paraphrasing some fella nationally (sorry to disillusion you but I ain't that smart) so please, tell me what I'm misunderstanding here because to me


Listen, y'all can believe whatever the hell you want.Life is great things are coming up roses go back to your Ameican Idle Dancing with the Farts even some knucklehead pundit on Foxnewsforchrissakesaysthingsarelookinggreat if you want.

Me? I still got problems. And so do 25% or more of wishtheywereworkingamericans.

So I'll go back to the fruitless pointless job hunt and trying to convince MY creditors to forgive 50% of my debt and my friends and neighbors to GIVE me $140,000 so my Too Small To Care About :) bitter clinging white ass can stay somewhat solvent.


  1. The criteria used to tell us how the economy is doing are the engines of discredit of our institutions, businesses and the reporting about them.

    It has completely eroded our confidence in what we read and see and those who bring us the news.

    There is no double dip because there has been no recovery.

    Everything else is a LIE


  2. The gov't comes up w/the #s on both sides of the equation. They make it say what they need it to say to keep rope and lamp-posts out of their future for as long as they can.

  3. As usual, the fact that every week another couple of banks go bankrupt is forgotten or overlooked by everyone. The total for the year is 84 is far.

  4. At this point, anyone with at least half a brain doesn't believe jack-shit of what the gobmint says.
    ANYONE who can look at me with a straight face and tell me they believe the horseshit is immediately written off as a half wit in my eyes.
