
Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Blaze:

‘Collapse’ Preparations Push Skyrocketing Survival Gear Sales

Posted on November 23, 2011 at 4:19pm by Buck Sexton

As the U.S. economy tanks and the Mid-East appears poised for war, a chain of survival gear stores in Missouri has reported a jump in sales due to people getting ready for the possible ‘collapse’ of society.

Steve Dorsey, a manager at one of the Uncle Sam’s Safari Outfitters stores in Webster Groves told KMOX-Radio that: “We had to order fifty cases of the meals ready to eat to keep up with the demand in the past three months. That’s not normal. Usually we sell 20 to 30 cases in a whole year.”

When local stores start running out of MREs– specially packaged meals ready-to-eat, generally for the military– that seems to be a sign of strong public anxiety.

Steve Dorsey also told reporters that sales has been picking up since the Arab Spring revolts and with the continued specter of a global economic collapse hanging over America.

‘Collapse’ preparations are apparently not just for the outdoorsman either. Dorsey claimed that wealthy patrons from cities have been buying up the gear as well, telling KMOX that:

“I’ve had people in here that are very wealthy and they’ve spent thousands of dollars just on backpacks that they fill with survival gear, one for each person of their family and something where they can just grab a bag and get out of Dodge.”

The survivalists‘ plans for a collapse aren’t limited to any one route, according to Dorsey. Some are stocking up on freeze-dried meals for home, others are stashing food at remote locations outside of cities they would flee to in the event of major incident. In other cases, families are setting up communal safe havens where 20 or 30 people will gather in the event of a collapse.

Dorsey gave his analysis of the situation as “people are scared. They don’t know where this country is going. They think we’re on a downward spiral with just dramatic, crazy spending. People just don’t know what’s going to happen.”

That much seems increasingly obvious, whether one is out storing up on MREs or not.


  1. That top image of MRE's . . .google the identity of the supplier, "Golden Season", as named on the boxes in that image and note the company's emphasis of "Halal certified MRE's".
    I shit you not.

  2. I've been getting thrive freeze dried foods with ten year shelf life and the price is way better than many of the companies I here advertising on the radio. Also the food is really good. And some is more economical than the super market

    For instance the freeze dried brocoli cheese soup is straight up exellent and tfor under 20 bucks you get almost 50 servings. Throw in freeze dried corn and potato dices and its chowder.
    My wife is very picky and doesn't like preservatives or food that's canned and she loved it.

  3. Rumcrook, would u pls give us the name of your supplier? Thanks!

    I have been trying to get prepared, bit everyone in my family thinks I'm crazy ... I'm still trying, getting all important papers together, etc. but it's not easy when you have no cooperation from those you are trying to help ...


    thats the web address for the place im getting my dry goods.

    and they had pretty good pricing on water purification/filtration stuff too.

    my recomendations for an initial purchase are:

    powdered milk
    2 tvp chicken
    2 tvp beef
    2 powdered eggs
    2 soup mix

    2 fruit

    3 vegetables

    a basic water purifying system
    and emergency potable water containers

    I got the above and some other stuff for around 400+ bucks

    I would have 4-5 days worth of MRE's per person for bug out purposes but thats about it. I ate mre's in the army and never liked them.
