
Monday, January 09, 2012

Chilling Words

From News Bleat:
All the major media speakers speak to these average Americans and none of them seem concerned about the more intelligent minority. They know we can’t sway the masses while they can. CNN is blatant on spinning political issues and the others aren’t far behind. I’m constantly catching Bill O’Reilly on FOX in his own spins and lies. He glosses over much that the American people really need to know about, and none of the media talks about the true major issues facing us and the world. In fact, the only place you can find these things discussed is on blogs, and I wonder how long that’s going to last before those blogs start disappearing off the Internet here the way they already are in China, Iran, North Korea and other dictatorial nations. The longer Obama stays in office the more the likelihood of this increases, but then, the excesses he gets away with in even one term will be repeated by a Republican president if elected. I have never seen one single reversal of gained power in my life.
Much of the damage that Obama has wrought will ever be with us, no matter who gets elected in 2012. Perhaps the ugliest reality check of all.


  1. That last sentence is just not true. There have been reversals of gained power during our lifetime. REAGAN.

  2. I agree the 'damage' he caused in the Middle East policy and domestic policy will be suffered for generations.

  3. Pasto,
    I'm not sure that there have been reversals of gained power. There have been reversals of policy.

    Frankly, all the talk about reversing ObamaCare is probably just so many wasted words. I can see some modification of the Health Care Reform Act and possibly some defunding.

    Over time.

    Not fast enough to save private health insurance as premiums continue to rise in anticipation of having to cover pre-existing conditions, some of which will likely bankrupt private health insurance companies anyway, particularly if the individual mandate is struck down as unconstitutional (which it is).

    We're in a catch 22 with health insurance reform and headed as fast as we can go to the single payer system. The goal all along, I believe.

    The very fact that Obama is defying Congress and getting away with it is setting a dangerous precedent, which will likely be used by whoever becomes President in 2012. After all, defying Congress is "for the greater good," and a lot of Americans today have fallen for believing in that.

  4. Will,
    It looks to me as if the Middle East is about to explode right now. Maybe Iran is all bluff, but what if not? So many didn't see the 1979 Iranian Revolution as something to worry about, and surely it did turn out to change the world -- not in a good way.

  5. "They know we can’t sway the masses while they can. CNN is blatant on spinning political issues and the others aren’t far behind. I’m constantly catching Bill O’Reilly on FOX in his own spins and lies. He glosses over much that the American people really need to know about, and none of the media talks about the true major issues facing us and the world. In fact, the only place you can find these things discussed is on blogs, and I wonder how long that’s going to last before those blogs start disappearing off the Internet"

    Nearly exactly as we discussed on the show on friday.

  6. This is Black Sheep from NewsBleat. I've just turned 73, so you can either figure that I've become a dotard or that I have accumulated experience, take your pick. I prefer to think the latter, of course.

    When I was a little boy back in the 1940's I recall hearing my parents discuss more than once how we were losing our freedoms with each new law passed. More taxes on a wider variety of things, on labor, income, possessions, the increasing requirements of permits, again on an increasing variety of things, the spreading misuse of the Social Security number, which was unwanted by us Americans and seen as being a future National Identity number, which it has become, instead of just the IRS ID that it was mandated to be.

    That's all outside of all the things the president has taken on as additional powers, such as Signing Statements and making war without the consent of Congress, Obama's system of Czars lately. The power of the presidency is growing rapidly while the power of Congress is waning.

    I've watched president after president increase the power of that office over the years. Richard Nixon was called King Richard, for his tramplings of our Constitution, but he was a piker compared to Barack Hussein Obama.

    If no one pays attention to history, nothing gets changed. AOW is right, no powers have been reversed, only some policies from time to time.

  7. The two major power grabs have been Social Security and Obamacare.

    Social Security will never be repealed and Obamacare, likely, never will be either.

    However, as Black Sheep said, every law passed is a new inhibition on Freedom. Likewise, every new tax, or every new percentage point taken in tax is a new inhibition on Freedom.

    Sometimes we are going towards Freedom and sometimes we are going away from Freedom.

    The general momentum of the USA has been, for a very long time now, away from Freedom.

  8. Because many, even most, people are afraid of TRUE freedom.

    And the responsibilities that come with it.
