
Saturday, March 10, 2012

An alleged libertarian can't keep from attacking the right on the Mark Martin case

Radley Balko, a left-libertarian member of the CATO Institute, spoke about the case of the sharia-supporting judge in Pennsylvania who discriminated against the atheist who was assaulted by a Muslim who hated his Zombie Muhammed costume on Halloween. You'd almost think he had something going when he admitted that the judge was out of line by admonishing - to say nothing of blaming - the victim in this case, but then Balko has the sheer brainlessness to say that:
The worst part of this may be that in his asinine effort to protect Muslim sensibilities at the expense of the Constitution and Mr. Perce’s rights, Martin has served up a gift to the Sharia is coming! crowd. They’re already lapping this up. Don’t be surprised if we see fallout from this in the form of yet more anti-Muslim legislation in state legislatures across the country. Judge Martin probably just made life more difficult for American Muslims.
Oh, so then Balko is basically on the side of the Religion of Rape, is that it? Since when was this a "gift"? It's not a gift so much as a warning that if we let down our guard, we're going to have more judges with demonic mindsets like Martin's going around. We're not happy this took place at all. One of the commentors replying said:
This story is an example of what not to do if you are a judge. There is a quality called judicial temperament. This person on the bench lacks it.

I would assume there is double jeopardy here. But that does not mean the judge cannot face some Pennsylvanian judicial council.

I am not into xenophobia or suggesting all Muslims want to impose Sharia law on us all. But your fears that this might be lapped up by the “anti Sharia” crowd are not the issue (unless we are talking examples of them assaulting Muslims). The fact is we have gotten to the point that You cannot criticize Islam without facing violence. That is intolerable. That is fascism of a sort.
Well said. Balko should be ashamed of himself if he's going out of his way to attack the right here to trash the main issues at stake over some absurd anti-conservative bias, yet it shouldn't be too surprising he's willing to betray the athiests you'd think he'd be supporting. Eric Dondero chimed in and said:
Bwahahahaha! We’re laughing at you all.

This little issue has put you all in a bind, ‘eh? You left-libertarians are passionately pro-Atheist, nothing wrong with that. But you’re also loathe to criticize Islam.

So, what to do. What to do, indeed.

Report on it, but hope and pray no right-libertarians catch you on it.

Bizzzzzzzzzz! (Buzzer sounds). Too late. We caught you on it. And we’ll be watching from here on out.

Boy, I wouldn’t want to be you all. You’re screwed either way. If you finally acknowledge the threat of Big Islam, we pro-defense libertarians are gonna say, “We told you so…” til the cows come home. If you ignore it, we’ll be relentlessly pointing out your uttery hypocrisy.

Go take an ibuprofen. You’re gonna need it with all the headaches you all are about to have….

People like Balko are going to have to decide where they stand, or maybe they should just keep out of it.


  1. Couldn't agree with you more. Have liked Balko's stuff on swat teams, as they cause me heartburn, but you are right on with this Islam issue.

  2. Avi, may I reprint this at Libertarian Republican?

