
Monday, March 12, 2012


The Left defamed the American war effort in Iraq and Afghanistan with a “blood for oil” libel. They were out in droves, carrying signs that read "NO WAR FOR OIL!"

Of course that was when George Bush was president. And as we know, not once did President Bush say, "We will attack Iraq and Afghanistan to keep oil prices low".

But now we have Obama in office. The left's czar and god.

Faced with the forever growing threat that Iran will have nuclear weapons. A threat that could be right around the corner. What does the left now say? "NO WAR, FOR OIL"

Obama doesn't want to go to war with Iran, because it will cause oil prices to increase.

Imagine that.

While Israel fears a new Holocaust from a nuclear armed Iran, President Barack Obama seems to only be worried about a preemptive attack on Iran or the talk of war raising oil prices and thereby harming the US economy and his re-election campaign.

Despite his reassurances at the AIPAC conference that he “won’t hesitate to use force to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon,” he is in fact bluffing to woo Jewish voters and stop an Israeli unilateral attack on Iran. Less than two days after his AIPAC campaign speech, he already backtracked from his commitment. When asked what he meant by his comments that “we have Israel’s back,” the president answered that “it was not a military doctrine that we were laying out for any particular military action.”

Israel should realize by now that Obama will never attack Iran or support an Israeli attack before the elections because a war in the oil-rich region would send gasoline prices even higher than they are now, exacerbating the economic situation and hurting his chance for reelection. The price of gasoline has been rising daily in the past month, averaging $3.79 a gallon. Since 1976, there has been a correlation between rising oil prices and falling presidential approval ratings in the US. Jimmy Carter lost the presidency when gas averaged $3.37 per gallon when adjusted to the current value of the dollar.

Although Obama has been taking credit for the “crippling” sanctions against Iran and asking the Israelis to wait a few months to allow them to take effect, he has in fact tried to weaken the sanctions. In December 2011, the Kirk-Menendez amendment passed by a rare 100-0 vote in the Senate directed the Administration to take punitive measures against foreign entities that do business with Iran.

However, the Administration tried to pressure top ranking Democrats, thankfully to no avail, to delay the implementation of the sanctions by a few months, arguing that the amendment could raise oil prices and hurt the US economy.


  1. Hi Christine.
    Lets put it bluntly for Obama 7,6 Million Jewish lives are not worth loosing the reelection.

  2. A Jew voting for Odum-dum is like a chicken going to eat at KFC. Lambs to the slaughter. How can they be so stupid? Brain dead. I grew up on the Left Coast (90210), so I know of what I speak.

