Obama Administration Leaks Information on Israel’s Secret Military Alliance With Azerbaijan (Video)
According to a Foreign Policy report based on “four senior diplomats and military intelligence officers” Azerbaijan has given Israel permission to land planes on Azeri airfields after an attack on Iranian nuclear sites. The Obama Administration leaked this information putting the alliance in jeopardy and endangering the Israeli nation.Click on the title for the whole story.
I CANNOT think of a single innocent or good reason for this, NOT ONE
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't trust him in an outhouse with a muzzle on. A colloquial expression meaning one is completely untrustworthy of any trust about anything.
Under The ManChild, the USA is actually becoming an agent of evil.
ReplyDeleteThe LAST and Final steps ~`In Removing Obama From Washington, are upon us.
ReplyDeleteThe Final Chapter with { OBAMA. } ~` His Terrorist Connections AND His WorldWide Co-Conspirators, have been REELED – in, Like Fish, on a Fishing line / Swallowing Hook, Line and Sinker, Deep Throating the entire Pole, up to the Steel Reel.
All of Obama's Corrupt Political Partners in Washington, have also been REELED in, like an OLD TIME Reel to Reel Movie PROjECTOR.
THEIR eXposure has successfully been Framed and They are NOW `Seen {CAPTURED} UPON the Screen, eXposed and Snared in the VERY OWN TRAPS,
that they Themselves had set for YOU- [ The Prey ] The American Citizens.
These traitors, have FALLEN Head-Long, Down into the very SAME eXact Pits, that THEY themselves HAD dug for YOU, { the Game ]\ American Citizens.
All of Obamas Corrupted Political Partners in Washington and Terrorist Connections and His Co-Conspirator WORLDWIDE, have been Snared / CAUGHT in
the very Jaws that they had Sprung for YOU, The American Citizens.
Their Ropes and Lines of DECEPTION, TREASON and FRAUD, that They had Drawn, Planted, eXtended and INTENDED to Hang and Trip Up YOUR Freedoms { YOU The American Patriots / Great Sons and Daughters of Liberity } These Ropes, Have ALL been Un Tied, Unravled and Unstrung.
You MUST continue A Peaceful Resistance. You MUSt Maintain a POSITIVE, AGGRESSIVE, firm Focus on the Facts and Truth /\ as WE Stand by OUR convictions and NEVER Fall or Surrender to this mob of Traitors :
In Fact, THE ONLY THING in America - that was trully Needing`“ CHANGE ” ! Was Barry or Barack Hussein OR, .Soetoro OR….Obama the JR. l. or II. ............ HIMSELF. !
Obama, has MADE every criminal CHANGE to his reality that is possible, to Disguise his NAME with many LIES and Forgeries, With multiple FAKE Social
Security numbers for his entire adult life.
ALL eXXXposed. ! ` And Americans are NOT Impressed with his Network of Degenerate Thieves, Terrorists and RIPP OFF SCAMMERS and Cons, all PARADING and Masquerading as Crack Heroes.
Obama {the Fraud} Then HOPED and CHANGED himself into becoming the first CRACK HEAD President in History.
Incorporating the criminal template / master-plan of his Entire Life, into CHANGE for the UNITED STATES Herself.
The Model ? Was HIS very own Dispicable, Unethical, Cowardly and Dishonorable - IMAGE.
Barack Hussein Obama II ~( Who HATES American Values ) who is A " SELF PROCLAIMED Religious and Political Enemy" ~0f ALL Responsible, Morally Conscious and HARD WORKING Americans.
...The UN~CHANGEABLE, Cowardly, Fraud, has done His VERY BEST to Inspire His Degenerate MOb to VIOLENCE. LITERALLY, Saying .........To his supporters.Saying
“Get ready for HAND-to-HAND Combat with your Fellow Americans ! !
“I want all Americans to get in each others faces !– ^ Obama `Demands !
“You bring a KNIFE to a fight pal, we’ll bring a GUN” – ! **
THESE ARE OBAMAS very OWN WORDS.. “We talk To these folks…~ / so I know whose A*$ to KICK.“ALSO` Shouting THAT Republican victory would mean~“Hand to Hand combat” !
....PLEASE.... go Now !--- To reXes, All NEW WebsiTe ^~ CLICK HERE http://obomlnation.webstarts.com/index.html
Please stand For Loving Children and the USA. Respectfully and Thankfully, Thank you ALL for your Time.