Channel 2 in Israel, sourcing a “senior American official”, says that the decision has already been made by the Israeli government to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities.“All U.S. intelligence officials are confident the Israeli leadership has already decided to attack Iran, unless a significant change happens in the coming weeks or months with the Iranian nuclear program,” Channel 2 reports.The report comes just hours ahead of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to AIPAC in Washington.AIPAC is the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and is widely considered the most powerful pro-Israel lobby group in the United States.“A senior official stressed in a conversation with News 2 there is a dispute between Israel and the United States on the question of ‘day after’, which means the price of attacking Iranian nuclear facilities,” Channel 2′s report says.American officials have warned their Israeli counterparts about a regional war in the region following an attack on Iran, along with the collapse of Israel’s stock market and an arms race in the Middle East, according to the report.In response to the American official’s statement to Channel 2, “sources close to Netanyahu” said the U.S. is doing what it can to “handcuff” the Israelis and to “frighten the Israeli public”.
Day after?
Iran is going all the way.
In the middle east.. attacks on Abqaiq, and closing of Hormuz, attacks on every american base, uprising in Saudi Arabia’s eastern province by the Shia.
Hezballah ordered to unleash full scale attack by missile in conjunction with Iranian missile attacks
Hezballah attacks across Europe
Hezballah and IRGC Quds Force attacks inside the USA on civilian, economic and military targets.
The objects of the attack will be apocalypse, or the overstretch and economic collapse of the USA after performing the prime mission, ERADICATING ISRAEL.
They will believe Allah will find a way for them to achieve victory.
Praise the Lord and pass the ammo. We're going to need it here sooner than most think.
ReplyDeleteEPA et al.
ReplyDeleteWe've heard this before. I think Israel knows that to accomplish it's mission to any effective extent, they will need the US help. That won't come until after January and only if Obama and his cronies are thrown out of office.
If Obama is re-elected, then their backs will definitely be against the wall. They'll l have no choice and hope for the best.
My .02