
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Infidel Hero

The Blaze:

‘He Enjoyed Booze, Guns, Cars, and Younger Women Until the Day He Died’: Unrepentant Obituary Deemed ‘Best Ever’

Michael “Flathead” Blanchard’s obituary, published in the Denver Post on April 12, bears little resemblance to the standard “in memoriam.”

Penned by Blanchard before his death, the obituary notes, among other things, that Blanchard was “weary of reading obituaries noting someone’s courageous battle with death.” Rather, he wanted it known that he “died as a result of being stubborn, refusing to follow doctor’s orders and raising hell for more than six decades.”

“He enjoyed booze, guns, cars, and younger women until the day he died.”

He Enjoyed Booze, Guns, Cars, and Younger Women Until the Day He Died: Unrepentant Obituary Deemed Best Ever

After noting all those who preceded him in his death, the obituary continues: “So many of his childhood friends that weren’t killed in Vietnam went on to become criminals, prostitutes and/or Democrats.”

“He asks that you stop by and re-tell the stories he can no longer tell. As the Celebration will contain Adult material we respectfully ask that no children under 18 attend.”

He Enjoyed Booze, Guns, Cars, and Younger Women Until the Day He Died: Unrepentant Obituary Deemed Best Ever

(Photo: Denver Post)

Some are calling it “the best obit ever,” while others are saying, “I think he would have despised me, but that ROCKS!”

“RIP brother,” another commented.

The Denver Post published the article on Facebook, where hundreds have chimed in. Some dismay Blanchard’s political opinions, but most look past it.

“Yeah Michael, I’m a Vietnam Veteran too and a lifelong liberal Democrat. If we had met in a bar and had a few beers, we could have had a punch out….or, we might have broken out laughing. Go in peace brother…”

1 comment:

  1. I have to write whole books to get so far as this guy did in an obit.

    Good for him.
