
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Obama Attempts To Pull Jedi Mind Trick On American People

"Federal spending under Obama at historic lows ... It's clear that Obama has been the most fiscally moderate president we've had in 60 years."

"This chart -- the truth -- very clearly shows the truth undoubtedly ... growth in spending under President Obama is the slowest out of the last five presidents." 

"Factually speaking, spending has leveled off under President Obama. Spending is not skyrocketing under President Obama. Spending is flattening out under President Obama." 

From Ann Coulter:

Inasmuch as this is obviously preposterous, I checked with John Lott, one of the nation's premier economists and author of the magnificent new book with Grover Norquist: Debacle: Obama's War on Jobs and Growth and What We Can Do Now to Regain Our Future.

It turns out Rex Nutting, author of the phony Marketwatch chart, attributes all spending during Obama's entire first year, up to Oct. 1, to President Bush. 
That's not a joke. 
The problem for Obama is we're all on to his Blame Bush tactic. So, there's only reason left to vote for Obama anymore; that's you're afraid of being called a "Waahhcist."

Go read the whole thing.


  1. Obama's strategy regarding running for re-election after he has tanked the economy: Keep repeating a lie long enough, and the masses will believe that lie.

  2. "Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad." Euripedes (I think)
