Or all four?
‘They’ (God, how I hate ‘them’) say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
So as I look at the various contrived and invented canard like strategems (Gay Marriage, Bain, extremist republicans) focus grouped into existence by Davids Axelrod and Plouffe designed to keep attention away from the real issue (the lowest percentage of Americans are now working than ever before) of 2012 I begin to wonder….
Is Obama incompetent, an amateur, dedicated to make the USA into European Socialist State, or Richard Nixon?
We know he doesn’t really care for the Constitution (a “flawed document” - aren’t all of them by mortals?) since it limits him vs the opposition (also elected) from pursuing the ‘greater good’. His end run around the recalcitrant congress via executive dept contrivances in such endeavors as bankrupting coal (and West Virginia) demonstrated this. In fact, there are many days when Obama’s ENTIRE Gaian adventure seems to be carried out WHOLLY by the machinations of an executive that ASSUMES not only that they know better than anyone or any other group, but that those set of intentions in their own mirror gives them the RIGHT to act that way.
We know he rejects the inherited values and SHARED values of what overall constitutes goodness. and what is admirable. His admiration for Lincoln also has it’s troubling edge. I worry, in fact, he has the same attitudes about the Constitution (especially the 3/5ths and respect for property… which Adams recognized as indivisible from freedom) that he does about Churchill for the same category of reasons. This attitude is understandable btw, but INEXCUSABLE AS PRESIDENT.
I see his incredible ignorance of the long term consequences of the successful takeovers of the Muslim Brotherhood and it’s think alikes all across northern Africa and it’s real rise elsewhere as the incompetence of an amateur exposed to the tortuous logic of the state dept. It’s the legitimization of Al Qaeda’s aims.
I see his REAL spending spree and his intentions as lauding that system across the Atlantic which has just discovered it needs a Heimlich as Greece’s people tell the Eurozone to fuck themselves, that they will default, thank you, keep their cash and figure out what to do themselves (and good luck, btw).
I see his ENEMIES LIST as PURE Richard Nixon. PURE. It’s notification of the fact of Chicago Politics rule. Not only has the president defaulted on his promise of the ‘end of politics as usual’ he’s made it clear it’s all to be Jefferson vs Adam, Jackson vs Adams, and Hayes vs Tilden ..UNLESS YOU AGREE WITH HIM, in which case its the end of politics as usual. Even Cory Booker, the democratic mayor of northeaster city can’t help but see the sky as blue
Then there is the pure incompetency factor even amid corruption. Solyndra. Really? Really? Fast and Furious .. as mishandled and misapprehended an idea as ever conceived for a domestic program. The current state of affairs vs Iran and its intentions and capabilities is a REMARKABLE testament to DENIAL, moral cowardice and failure to recognize what a world without THOSE mullahs would look like. Syria would then…? North Korea would then …? Hizballah would then …? Lebanon would then …? Obamacare? Has there EVER been a federal program designed to replace enterprise (as limited as that sphere already was by state insurance limitations) which was CHEAPER? EVER? Of course that particular canard was an invention to cover the installation of a process to use for national health care (has anyone thought about the consequences to the future achievements in medical research of a single payer system? There would be only one institutional payor for such research)
Here is the truth at the end of all the inventions of that campaign … Romney would have to go VERY VERY FAR to be as BAD a president as Obama has been. The only defense possible of Obama as pres was the child of Barney Frank… ‘we made it suck less’.
I doubt it, but that at least is, PLAUSIBLE as reality.
Amen brother.