You wouldn't believe how badly it burns me up to be on the phone with Citibank asking them to please waive a $35 late fee on my mortgage (the first time I've been late on the mortgage through this whole unemployment mess and that only by a week) while at the same time Fox is on the TeeVee talking about how Citibank (among others) just had their credit rating cut.
Haven't heard from my 2nd Mortgage Bank in almost 18 months. Reduced from 70k back in time to $400 wk recovery if consider the 40% decline in Household income, value and strangely absent Bankers. Firm was bought out after it's balance sheet went south, local economy eviscerated by Closing of GM plant, Heavy Paper Machine manufacturer, and countless other kindred firms throughout the Midwest...Grow Green and form a close relationship with your Loved ones....1930's all over again..