
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Huma Abedin's sister (Heba) also connected to Muslim Brotherhood

It has been learned that the sister of Huma Abedin (Heba Abedin), like Huma, has served on the Editorial Board of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA) as an Assistant Editor; Heba continues to serve in that capacity after Huma left in late 2008 to work for Hillary Clinton at the State Department. Please note that in 2002, Heba was referred to on the IMMA website as "Heba A. Khaled" and not by her familial last name.

Today, the spelling of Heba's last name is slightly different ("Khalid" instead of "Khaled").

In this screenshot from 1997, Heba is identified by her original last name as a "Contributor" to an issue of the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs (Vol. 17, No. 1), along with her brother Hassan:

We have already demonstrated that both of Huma Abedin's parents (Syed Z. Abedin and Saleha Abedin) were / are very closely connected with the Muslim Brotherhood (her father is deceased and her mother is a leader with the Muslim Sisterhood) and that her brother (Hassan Abedin) has served as a fellow at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (OCIS) with the Brotherhood's spiritual leader, Yusuf al-Qaradawi and Chairman of the Board, Abdullah Omar Naseef, who founded IMMA. All of these Abedins have served or continue to serve in various capacities at IMMA.

As we reported yesterday, Heba has been quite public in her support of a petition to demand that Rep. Michele Bachmann apologize. Perhaps her motives for doing so extend beyond just defending her sister.

This is significant for another reason. Unless Huma has another sibling, it means that every member of her family - including herself - has served on the Board of an organization founded by an al-Qaeda Godfather, Abdullah Omar Naseef and a liberal western media continues to run interference for that family by demonizing Bachmann.

Heba has also been identified as one "the Girls of Weinergate."

If you want to do a little investigating into the IMMA, and it's writers, check out their book series here.

And then, check out this book by IMMA writer Fatima Umar Naseef.

Subjects include,

women have no right to abstain from sex with their husbands,

women must wear the Hijab,

Stoning for adultery,

social interactions between the sexes are forbidden,


1 comment:

  1. A feature of this story is that supporters of Huma and the others are saying that there is no connection (and sympathy) by them to the Muslim Brotherhood. This may have the result of setting the bar that those who are sympathetic or members of the MB cannot obtain security clearance, and their opinions will likewise be taken less seriously. As you know, I favor denying visas to MB members.
