
Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Common Sense has trumped intelligence for years ..and NOW: France, GB USA, Israel agree - Iran MUCH closer than thought

For the umpteenth time:
In development of a U-235 nuclear weapon in 1944 and with that technology, in complete secrecy, and with a CITY built to support it, the USA at Oak Ridge TN, took TEN MONTHS to go from UF6 gas, and using the comparatively, incredibly SLOW gas diffusion (as opposed to new P-2 centrifuges) to a weapon SO RELIABLE it was never tested and was heading to Tinian, and Hiroshima.

In complete secrecy, and WITH centrifuges Pakistan developed ant ENTIRE STOCKPILE of uranium weapons before testing one, FOR POLITICAL REASONS weeks after India tested a weapon.
There ARE NO SANCTIONS which would ever have been capable of stopping the racist Iranian regime from going down that path.
Iran is not the USSR. The mullahs are NOT the politburo. Khamenei is not Deng Xiao Peng.

New intelligence reveals Iranian military nuclear program advancing faster than previously thought

Western diplomat and Israeli officials who asked not to be named say U.S., Britain, France, Germany and Israel share same intelligence information, agree that assessment.

New intelligence information obtained by Israel and four Western countries indicates that Iran has made greater progress on developing components for its nuclear weapons program than the West had previously realized, according to Western diplomats and Israeli officials who are closely involved in efforts to prevent Iran from building a nuclear bomb.
A Western diplomat who asked not to be named because he was not authorized to discuss intelligence information said the United States, Britain, France, Germany and Israel agree on that assessment.
According to the source, this assessment began to take shape in February, when Iran refused to allow inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency to visit the base at Parchin, where it is believed Iran is carrying out part of the research and development of its military nuclear program. Visits of IAEA inspectors in Iran, and especially revelations of information the Iranians had been trying to hide, intensified suspicions that Tehran was developing nuclear weapons at a faster pace than it had previously seemed.
Last month Britain’s Daily Telegraph reported that the Iranian Revolutionary Guards has established a new team of 60 nuclear scientists to develop Iran’s military nuclear program at the Lavizan base near Tehran. In 2006, IAEA inspectors visited that base, which belongs to the Guards’ missile development agency.
The Daily Telegraph based its report on information from the Iranian opposition group Mujahideen al-Khalq. Members of the group told the paper that the work of the Iranian scientists in the “weapons group” is at an advanced facility involved warheads and detonators.
An American think tank called the Institute for Science and International Security released a satellite photo of the Parchin base showing, according to Western intelligence, that Iran is developing nuclear weapons there. Taken on July 25 and released on August 1, the picture shows that the Iranians have completed what the American think tank called “cleanup” of the site where the base was.
According to researchers at the institute, the photos they received show that the Iranians have bulldozed a number of structures at the base and leveled the surrounding land, which the institute’s staff suspect was done to erase evidence of nuclear activity at the site.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly said in a closed meeting last week that he was not deterred by the prospect of an inquiry committee investigating a possible Israeli attack on Iran.
Iran’s defense minister, General Ahmad Vahidi, told reporters in Tehran that an Israeli attack on Iran “is impossible unless the Zionist entity wants to commit suicide … Iran is completely prepared to respond to an attack against it.”


  1. We've been waiting for an attack for so long that I no longer actually believe anything I hear on the subject.

    The whole story seems fake to me, manufactured to keep the proletariat's attention, like a bunch of rumors about Linday Lohan or something.

    If Israel were to actually attack Iran in October, they would be aiding Obama in being re-elected. And, they would thus be shooting themselves in the foot.

    They would be joining their enemies in Hamas and the PLO in the strategy of


  2. Actually, I agree that his coming to the aid of Israel would prolly guarantee his election.

    But Bibi is not figuring on who would be a better prez for Israel, he is figuring on HOW to ensure Iran takes it up the patootie, in a PERMANENT FASHION so as to remove the existential threat to Israel.

    No doubt Romney would be a better prez for Israel, but this way Obama is COMPELLED to help or become a community organizer.

    And besides, if the complexes at Fordo become unreachable, then election of Romney and swearing in ion January might really be too late unless Israel were to use nuclear weapons, and not even Romney would simply back that
