
Saturday, September 15, 2012



Police in Australia at Muslim anti-freedom riot in Sydneyhere.
The anti-freedom riots come to the West -- one reader wrote me,
"Here in Sydney Australia we saw your interview on Fox and Friends.  Thank God you articulate what so many of us know to be true.

Earlier today my city of Sydney was overrun by psychotic, foaming-at-the-mouth muslims violently protesting against us infidels. The riot was an extension of the Middle East uprisings, supposedly avenging the 'offensive film'.  Police were beaten and bloodied, the Muslim rage was deafening and what I witnessed today was truly unsettling.  We've never seen anything like it here in Australia."



  1. these people desecrate the beliefs of there religion to march down the main street of sydney and corse the city to come to a stop. the police should have acted harsher apon the few that believe this is okay. a friend said today 'they should have just shot them' a small part of me can see where he is coming from. this religion has caused nothing but chaos for the last 12 years. i think they have had there second chance. they need to be prosecuted for there pethetic view on life.

  2. The Australian people never voted or were never asked if we wanted Muslims in our country. It has been forced upon us. Just so we look good in the UN. As an ex service man I swore an oath to protect Australia and its people, I will do just that. How dare they come here and damand that we close pools so they can swim, not show there face when pulled up by the police. This is a joke, but I am not laughing. Muslims come to Australia drink our water, eat our food and live on our welfare. Yet they have not paid any taxes.
    The Australian Government is so scared of upsetting the Muslims, WHY! The Australian people are NOT! Muslims are PATHETIC, FANATICAL and have no place in Australian society. I have learnt that you can not trust or turn your back on a Muslim. I have been to many countries and found that the Muslims are nothing but trouble. Force is the only way to deal with a Muslim, pussyfooting around with them does not work!

  3. Loving the xenophobe support group you guys are running here I mean it's better they let their steam off here than interact with other people in person. Also just to be facetious why don't we outlaw all religions and personally held ideologies while we are at it. What could go wrong.

  4. We here at this blog are not advocating the ban of Islam. Did you think we were for some reason? If so, please be specific. What you have done so far is cast aspersions like stones.

  5. I can't believe what you wrote Tonic - you obviously have a different understanding than me!! Islam has not been outlawed ( where did you get that from ), & in this Country - everyone has the right to their Religious Belief, without violent protests' if someone doesn't agree!! A number of years ago a film was made called ' The Life Of Brian ' - this was an English made film which poked fun at Jesus Christ!! The majority of people got a good laugh at it, & there were certainly no violent demonstrations. I thought Muslim was meant to be a peaceful Religion - I THINK NOT!!

  6. religious belief is the whole problem of the world be it is the devil stiring it all up.gillard is a pathetic leader as well, no balls i guess to do anything about it,she just lets them keep coming.well gillard i get around armed these days,as i would not trust a muslim as far as i could kick them,which is not far as i am 66 years old.every were i go,all i see is muslims and asians.not a pretty sight.bring back the sixtys,when australia was australia.fuck the muslims.
