
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Binders Full of Idiots


  1. Keep the faith-Romney may win after all.

  2. Ă˜bama steps on his ................ anatomy too many more times like this:

    Romney will have a cake walk ...................

    Semper Fi'

  3. UNBELIEVABLE, how dim-ocrats grasp at strawmen.

  4. When large corporations hire, sometimes by the hundreds, resumes are commonly kept in ring binders for easy access for HR staff. I suppose since liberals and democrats so rarely hire they would be unfamiliar with this terminology.

  5. There is nothing here to explain. Romney was talking about Binders that the HR people got him. Common sense shows that OF COURSE he didn't mean binders had women in them.

    Romney made a mistake assuming he was talking to educated individuals who wouldn't mind using their brains to deduce the message he was trying to get across. Alas he was wrong since the liberal media was also listening in.

    They thought, "Oh wait, we can't criticize him on anything he said...BINDERS FULL OF WOMEN!! Oh my Obama, he is saying women belong in binders."

    Another thing the liberal media took out of context in a shameless manner was when Romney was talking about a lady in his staff who asked him to let her go home early because she needed to make dinner for her children.

    The liberal media and liberals were up in arms about it. "Romney thinks women are supposed to go home and make dinner." AYFKM!

    He told a story that he knew of. It was a true story and he told is as it happened. Liberals forgot to use their brains and realize that it wasn't Romney who told the lady to go home and cook dinner, the lady asked that on her own. Romney wasn't saying, "Ya know what! Women need to go home and make dinner, dammit!" But well liberals forget they have parts in their body above their lips that they can make good use of, like, ears, eyes and the brain.

    Now...Romney was talking about him being flexible with women whenever they needed to be. Last I checked feminist idiots were running around begging companies to treat them differently than other employees when they were pregnant or were single moms and whatnot.

    Romney says he was and will be willing to do the same. Oh but the liberals don't like that. Freakin demented morons.
