
Monday, October 01, 2012

Pamela Geller on ABC's 'Up Close' Subway Ad debate

Must watch!

Pamela's words must be heard and heeded:

Tragically, until the truth appears in a mainstream-media blitz, only a few of us will hear and understand.

Instead, the mainstream media present the preacher's view, that is, the dhimmi's view.


  1. Jim Wallis claims he is a Christian. He is a Collaborator, a Capo.

  2. Lord, God, save us from the good intentions of others.

  3. I don't give Jim Wallis enough credit to say he has good intentions. He is an American-hating Communist posing as a Christian who, according to himself, "speaks out on the murder of Christians in Iran."

    I can find no evidence that Jim Wallis, or his organization Sojourner's have ever spoken out on the murder of any Christians AT ALL.
