
Saturday, October 20, 2012


It will take them a couple years to thoroughly realize this fact, and formulate a new incursion, uh, I mean strategy.

But, until then, it is fun to watch. And, remember, this is in Liberal New Hampshire.

From Debra Burlingame:

Love this: Burns writes this ignorant emotional gobbledygook piece grounded in a beloved Capra movie--comparing the Community Organizer to this classic American hero--and his New Hampshire readers nail him for it.

Ken Burns: Why I am voting for Barack Obama

saul grayson said:

Obama's record proves otherwise. We are in worse shape internationally than we were four years ago. We are in worst shape economically than we were four years ago. To think otherwise is untrue. To even compare our Country under Mitt Romney as an eventual Potterville, is naive. I would have expected more from a man of the stature of Ken Burns.
(Report Abuse
October 19, 2012 5:30 am
Leo Paradis said:

Has Burns been in a coma for four years?
(Report Abuse
October 19, 2012 5:42 am
Spike said:

What disgusting opinions cloaked in the author's usual eloquence! Mr. Burns is voting for Mr. Obama: Because of a stereotype--grounded in a movie--about the character of wealthy people, a superficial model of good-versus-evil. Because he believes that Mr. Obama is hostile to the same Americans that Mr. Burns is hostile to, an enemy of his enemies. Because of a dippy vision of a collective identity, to be enforced at federal gunpoint. Because Mr. Burns has bought the Democrat myth that FDR's socialism, which magnified harsh tariffs into a decade-long Depression, and Mr. Obama's socialism, where the government spends money we don't have to con us into thinking we are well off, was better than some alternative, that the 2008 crisis was caused by "Bush deregulation" and not by hyper-regulation forcing banks to make an avalanche of bad loans. Because of the error that the man who bulled through Obama-care embodies "compromise." Essentially because of his belief that someone else's success makes us fail, and Mr. Obama promises to get even with them. And finally, to "do it for the children." Are there still 51% of Americans who can see through a con job?
(Report Abuse
October 19, 2012 6:29 am



  1. New Hampshire is NOT liberal. But is headed that way.
    Why is hysterical.
    Liberals moving from MASS into no income tax no sales tax NH (then demanding services). The entire southern tier of NH is like a separate state. From Manchester's northern suburbs to the canadian border is libertarian-conservative-republican (Dartmouth area excepted)

  2. Oh, well there's my pre-concieved notions showing through. I thought all over New England was Liberal.

