
Wednesday, December 05, 2012

The Pusherman

A whole subway platform full of people were going the other way when a man was pushed into the way of an oncoming subway train.

No one lifted a finger to help.

All of them were going the other way, except two.

One did the pushing. One took a photo. And the rest fled.

The name of the photographer, Umar Abbasi.

Here's a photo of the Pusherman:

"Authorities" say The Pusherman is "emotionally disturbed"


  1. HEY! This guy didn't even have a gun!

    Maybe we need to call for a ban on mentally imbalanced black men!

    What? That sound crazy to you?

    Wasn't Belcher African American too?

    So one used a gun and one didn't.

    But both were mentally imbalanced black men.

    Thus the common denominator here (using MSM logic) was not the gun but. . .

    I wonder what Costas would say about it. . .

  2. Maybe his mama made him eat all his Brussel Sprouts.

    Or maybe he was depressed because he didn't get a free pair of boots from passing policeman.

    Maybe he just feels inferior because his sister told him he has a little pecker.

    But whatever, it isn't his fault. It's not just because he has evil and malice in his heart.

    Noooo. . .

  3. I have a feeling if we didn't have subways, that guy would be alive, as well as thousands of other victims.

    The problem is we have a subway culture
