
Sunday, April 07, 2013

Racism Is as Racism Does

Remember Forrest Gump? He had a very smart mom.  Her little words of wisdom were always there to counsel Forrest. One of her best was “Stupid is as stupid does.” Loosely translated, as ‘an intelligent person who does stupid things is still stupid’.
That little pearl of wisdom can apply to our current day Leftist brethren who see ‘Selma’ in everything from bad service in restaurants to Huckleberry Finn.
A current example of this stupidity is from an investment newsletter I normally get. In it he shows how some people responded privately to his criticism of Obama’s polices. 
Apparently, I’m a racist and bigot for opposing a policy proposal from Barack Obama that will re-boot and accelerate the housing market collapse.  You read that correctly:  It seems I’m a racist for thinking it is IDIOTIC to force banks to make bad loans.
At least, that’s what a whole lot of Obama supporters say, such as this guy:
“You are the idiot and a bigot to the bone. You are filled with hate and are a big-time racist; every email you’ve ever sent out – from 2009 to this day and having to deal with Obama or the administration, shows that. Obama has been re-elected in spite of people like you. Your hatred can’t change that outcome. You either deal with it or move out of the country.”
- Mac
and then there’s this guy, who also managed to see what isn’t there:
“Do you guys ever stop to observe the language you use when you talk about President Obama ? The bigotry is jus so obvious.”
- “richcore”
This is funny to me.  These people – and there are MANY MORE examples – clearly have a problem with racial bigotry, because they were able to dream up a race issue where there clearly isn’t one.
Do you really think that racial considerations are the only reason a person could have to disagree with Obama?  If that’s what you believe, you prove yourself to be a racist, because race is all you see.
Humans hate most what they fear they are. The liberal Left are bigots and it shows every time they scream ‘racism’ where clearly there isn’t one.
Perhaps we should take a page out of their kumbaya playbook and teach them a little sensitivity training. Overload them with what they call racial ‘dog whistle’s’ day in and day out until they have been desensitized and driven back into the racist holes they came from.


  1. This should be burned into every libtard.

    Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.

  2. The matter of race has overtaken American society. I just don't get it. So much progress with regard to race relations since the Civil Rights Movement! Yet, Americans as whole are still obsessed with race.
