
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Antarctic sea ice more than 1.3 million Km above average

From Will at THE OTHER NEWS:

Antarctic sea ice more than 1.3 million Km above average.HT: IceAgeNow.

We’ve just had the 4th greatest anomaly of the Antarctic sea ice,
more than 1.3 million Km^2 above average,” says reader F. Guimaraes.
And ~ 19 months straight above average of the sea ice in the S. Pole.
All the four greatest records since 1979 happened in the last 6 years.
The cooling of the climate is happening in both hemispheres simultaneously as we see here,
“Just at the beginning of the new solar grand minimum, ultimately proving that solar radiations drive the climate,” Guimaraes points out.

Exposing the global warming con job.Hmmmm.......BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!Read the full story here.

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