
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

CBS News Reporter Sharyl Attkisson: I Think I Know Who Hacked Into My Computers

The last time this lady said, "I think I know", was when she said she thought she knew her computer had been hacked.

A couple weeks later, it is revealed, she was right; SHE HAD BEEN HACKED.

Now she is telling us she thinks she knows who hacked her.

Someone's in big fucking trouble.

Remember, with Nixon, it wasn't the crime. It was the coverup.

“I think I know. But I’m just not prepared to go into that. We’re continuing our investigations. There are multifaceted looks at what to do next… Let me just say, whoever did it, to come into a private citizen’s home, whether I’m a journalist or not, and look in my family’s computer and look into my work computer… Well, it’s outrageous.”

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