
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Is Obama The Precursor to The Mahdi, According to Shia Tradition?


Will writes --- I found the following here:

But more important: 
Two weeks ago Iran watcher Amir Taheri published an article in which he alleged that there exists a Shi`i hadith stating that "a tall black man will assume the reins of government in the West...commanding the strongest army on Earth" and carrying a "clear sign" from the Third Imam, Husayn and that "Shi`is should have no doubt that he is with us" ( This hadith was said to be contained in the collection Bahar al-Anvar by Mollah Majlisi and date to the 17th c. CE. Taheri spun an entire web of geopolitical analysis around this point, claiming that "the Khomeinist establishment sees Obama's rise as another sign of the West's decline and the triumph of Islam."
Problem is: it's not true. According to my contacts in Iran, including Professor Abolfazl Nurmuhammadpour at the Bright Future Institute--dedicated to teaching the world about the coming of the Mahdi, and the organization which sponsored the Mahdism Conference which I attended this past August in Tehran and Qom--and other ranking clerics at the Dar al-Hadith in Qom, this hadith is NOT authentic.
Another myth about President-Elect Barack Obama bites the dust.
Here's something I missed, from Amir Taheri in Forbes Magazine, October, 2008:

Is Barack Obama the “promised warrior” coming to help the Hidden Imam of Shiite Muslims conquer the world?  
The question has made the rounds in Iran since last month, when a pro-government Web site published a Hadith (or tradition) from a Shiite text of the 17th century. The tradition comes from Bahar al-Anvar (meaning Oceans of Light) by Mullah Majlisi, a magnum opus in 132 volumes and the basis of modern Shiite Islam. 

According to the tradition, Imam Ali Ibn Abi-Talib (the prophet’s cousin and son-in-law) prophesied that at the End of Times and just before the return of the Mahdi, the Ultimate Saviour, a “tall black man will assume the reins of government in the West.” Commanding “the strongest army on earth,” the new ruler in the West will carry “a clear sign” from the third imam, whose name was Hussein Ibn Ali. The tradition concludes: “Shiites should have no doubt that he is with us.” 

In a curious coincidence Obama’s first and second names–Barack Hussein–mean “the blessing of Hussein” in Arabic and Persian. His family name, Obama, written in the Persian alphabet, reads O Ba Ma, which means “he is with us,” the magic formula in Majlisi’s tradition.


  1. Obama is the precursor by immediate or 1-2 terms of a massive and true conservative swing in the electorate as all bills from all fronts are presented

  2. Great find Pasto, you're the man. But Islam is a false religion he will only be defeated by Jesus when he returns.

    And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it….Zech. 12:3

    The Day of the Lord ends with the return of Messiah. However, before Messiah/Christ returns, most people on the Earth will die. Almost 50% die in the first three and half years, the result of war, Others die from cosmological disasters affecting water and food supplies. An innumerable number suffer for their faith in Christ, sing praises in Heaven (Revelation 6:9, 7:9-17, 15:2).

    This leaves the remaining survivors, those in hiding for their faith, and those who choose the Antichrist and his Kingdom. The second group, receives the wrath of God, as they unite in their assault against God. The survivors, the ones marked with the name of the Beast, 666 head toward Jerusalem in their final assault on God.
    The river Euphrates is dried up to make their journey easy.

    Unknown to them, they are heading for eternal judgment, they think they are coming to make war against God, but they are being gathered for judgment.

  3. I would go "WOAH!" if someone can actually prove that its from the 17th century and then I'd go "meh" because if I believed everything Muslims spew, I'd be dead right now.

    Curious that the stories about a "tall black man" did not make rounds in Shiite tradition BEFORE Obama either got the Democratic nomination or became president.

    This smells of the "prophecies" of Nostradamus who apparently prophesied about metallic birds hitting tall towers. Curiously people only found those prophecies AFTER the fact.

    Now...the shiite mullahs are more stupid than I first thought if they think Branco Bama is on their side since only an enemy of the shiites would help Muslim Brotherhood (and Al Qaeda).

    As for his name means "Leader of the people"...I don't have to stress the fact that I don't take that sh*t literally.

  4. I posted this because of the source, Nico:

  5. I'm not doubting your source Pasto. I'm doubting Amir Taheri's intentions.

    And I would of course like to see exact verse from the 132 volume mammoth that he seems to be quoting from because (even though Taheri himself was pro Shah back in the days) I wouldn't be surprised if he just HEARD it somewhere and then passed it along without anyone questioning what he said "because he's an Iranian".

    What I'm saying is, I'll believe it when I see it.

  6. By the way I've read/heard the claim that he's some sort of shiite from people at WND. That claim goes straight out the window when you consider his relationship with the MB. And now his decision to arm Al Qaeda against the only other pro shiite, pro Iran state in the middle east.

    2+2 has to be 5 if Obama is shiite, or pro shiite.

  7. If he would be 'connected' to the twelver movement he sure does a lot to create the chaos from which the Mahdi is supposed to emerge.

    Sometimes 2+2 does equal 5.

  8. Obama isn't creating "chaos from which Mahdi is supposed to emerge." Obama is supporting MB which is Sunni. Obama is supporting the "rebels" aka Al Qaeda who are blatantly Sunni. Obama's BFF is Erdogan who is Sunni.

    Creating chaos is very easy. Secretly tell Israel to attack Iran saying that the US would have their back and then backtrack. Not like we haven't seen his admin do that already on a lot of other things.

    Obama is not shiite (I'd love some evidence to the contrary), never acted as if he was shiite. If Obama is anything he's anti-American.

    Again...would love some evidence that would go along with these allegations.

    Sometimes 2+2 does equal 5.

    I must have missed that Math class :P

  9. Does Obama have a connection to Shia Islam? There are a number of things that indicate to me that he does, especially given the doctrine of Taqiyya. To begin with is his middle name, Hussein. Hussein is Arabic and is not exclusively Shia, but it is the name of the founding martyr of Shia Islam.
    That is just the starting point. Here is a list of things:
    1. Obama's parent's marriage fits the pattern of NIKAH MUT'AH, a Shia doctrine for temporary marriage by which a Shia Muslim man may marry a Jew or Christian for a specific period, then the marriage dissolves. Sunnis don't approve of this doctrine. The nature of Obama's parent's marriage is otherwise unknown.
    2. Shia Islam tends to be left-wing politically. Sunni tends to be right-wing.
    3. Though a minority, Shia Islam has deep roots in Mombasa, Kenya. The Shia are better organized than the Sunni in Kenya. They have an active missionary program and run a number of schools and hospitals.
    4. Kenya also has close ties with Iran. Ahmadinejad has visited there and they have signed numerous agreements concerning energy, agriculture, commerce, trade, etc.
    5. Obama's relative, Railia Odinga, whom he traveled to Kenya as a US Senator to support, favors Shariah law for Kenya. He was instrumental in bringing about the Iranian-Kenya agreements signed by Ahmadinejad.
    5. Obama's chief personal advisor, Valerie Jarrett, was born and spent her formative years in Iran. She has a very favorable view of the country.
    6. During the Presidential campaign, Obama said he would sit down with Ahmadinejad and discuss matters without preconditions, in spite of his being a holocaust denier and saying he wanted to destroy Israel.
    7. During the campaign Obama also had a private meeting with Hassan Al-Qazwini, Iraqi-born Shia who leads the Dearborn mosque, the largest American mosque. The press was not allowed to be present. They later admitted that they discussed the Middle East and Obama accepted a copy of Qazwini's book, AMERICAN CRESCENT.
    8. This same mosque has hosted Black Muslim, Louis Farrakhan, as an "honored guest." So has Trinity United Church of Christ of Chicago.
    9. After Obama was elected, Iranians danced in the streets and called him "brother." Arabic Sunni clerics, on the other hand, made death threats against him for hiding his identity as a Muslim and accused him of playing the role of "house nigger."
    10. During the campaign Obama said he would go after jihadist Sunnis in Pakistan and Afghanistan, but wanted US troops out of Iraq where the Shia are in a majority and are trying to subdue Sunni influence.
    11. During the elections in Iran, when the government brutally cracked down on protesters in the streets, there was hardly a voice of alarm or criticism from the Obama administration. Why?
    12. Obama decided to send 30,000 plus troops to Afghanistan to fight Sunni Muslim jihadists. Iran and Shia Iraq might find this laudable since their effort is to wrest control of the region from the Sunni.
    Given his expressions of favor to Shia Islam, is one not justified in questioning whether or not he may be a crypto-Shia practicing Taqiyya? What has he done to expell that impression? The Sunni do not approve of Taqiyya. But Taqiyya--dissimulation--a Shia doctrine, justifies deception and masquerading, pretending to be of another faith, for the ultimate glory of Islam.

    PS: Valerie Jarret connected to Iran , John Kerry family and business connections to Iran .

  10. Will,

    I already read that list. I think it was posted on Daniel Pipes website or something as a comment (I could be wrong about that).

    Let's see:

    0-1) You're right. Hussein is not exclusive to Shi'a Islam. Being that Hussein was Mohammed's grandson many Muslims use that name. My father, my uncles and my grandfather all have Hussein as their middle name. They are all Sunni.

    0-2) Taqiyya is not an exclusively Shi'a concept either. Names may differ but the concept has its root with Mohammed, for example when he tell his followers to lie to Ka'b bin Al Ashraf to get him out of his house so they can kill him (because he had offended Mohammed), Bukhari vol. 5 No. 369.

    1) Concept of Muta marriage again lies with Mohammed when he allowed his army to rape female prisoners (or slaves) during war. To make it palatable to all, he created the concept of "temporary marriage". These Muslims were then allowed to sell their slaves onward after raping them, eg. Sahih Muslim, Book 8, No 3243. Sunnis may now WANT to make this a Shi'a only concept but it is an Islamic concept, not a sectarian one. And it is allowed in times of war for both sects...last time I checked, according to Muslims, Islam was at war with the infidels.

    As for marrying Jews and Christians...WHAT? Muslim men are allowed to marry Jews or Christians regardless. There is a provision for it in Islam. Marrying "people of the book" has never been a topic up for debate as long as the man is Muslim and the children are going to be raised as Muslim.

    Obama's parents' marriage says nothing of his father being a Shi'a or a Sunni.

    2) What do you mean by that? Could you give some examples of how Shi'as are left wing as opposed to Sunnis who are right wing?

    3, 4) Doesn't mean much. India has a strong organized Muslim community, doesn't make every Indian a Muslim. Doesn't even make every Indian in Lucknow a Muslim. As for diplomatic relations between Kenya and Iran...really? That's proof that Obama must be Shi'a?

    5) Shariah is Islamic, not solely Shi'a.

    6) Talking to Ahmedinejad doesn't make one a Shi'a. Holocaust denial and Israel and Jewish hatred is common among all Muslims. Obama apologized for America to both Sunnis, Shi'as and the rest of the world. be continued in the comment below

  11. Should we then dismiss the character behind the curtain? Valerie Jarrett, this administration's puppetmaster was born in Iran.

    The instigation of chaos in dar al harb is a logical step to secure a successful resurrection of the Islamic Caliphate speaks to any persuasion of Islam -" It is a Muslim’s destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes, and there is no escape from that destiny" & "grand Jihad to eliminate and destroy the Western civilization from within, and sabotage its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers".

  12. Sorry, missed the source you posted at the bottom of your comment before.

  13. 7, 8) Does not make Obama a Shi'a. Obama also met with Netanyahu and discussed the middle east, doesn't make him a Jew either. Qazwini does appear to believe in the whole Mahdi BS but again that says a lot about Obama's character, not about his faith.

    9) Doesn't mean anything. But then again, let's assume that the Iranians danced (I wasn't aware of this) in the streets and called him brother, that would mean the general Iranian public knows about Obama's secrets and past yet no one else does...yeah, not buying that.

    10) Would love the source of this video or excerpt where he said that specifically.

    11) The protesters wanted something more "secular". Obama doesn't appear to be supporting secularism anywhere in the Islamic world. This has got nothing to do with Shi'a or Sunni. Obama has, time and again, sided with Shariah run governments over secular principles, or more importantly American principles (again, support for MB goes along the same lines).

    12) Doesn't say anything about Obama being a Shi'a.

    Again, Taqiyya is not a Shi'a concept, whoever wrote this comment does not know about Islam. But that's fine I guess. As long as it "proves" a point?

    Lots of conjecture in these points. Not a shred of evidence either way.

    Sorry Will. I respect most of your posts but in this I am not seeing anything that points to facts about Obama and his relationship with Shi'a Islam.

  14. Coming back to what I was asking for.

    Anyone find the verse in the book mentioned in the article that talks about "a tall black man"?

  15. I found the following here:

    But more important:
    Two weeks ago Iran watcher Amir Taheri published an article in which he alleged that there exists a Shi`i hadith stating that "a tall black man will assume the reins of government in the West...commanding the strongest army on Earth" and carrying a "clear sign" from the Third Imam, Husayn and that "Shi`is should have no doubt that he is with us" ( This hadith was said to be contained in the collection Bahar al-Anvar by Mollah Majlisi and date to the 17th c. CE. Taheri spun an entire web of geopolitical analysis around this point, claiming that "the Khomeinist establishment sees Obama's rise as another sign of the West's decline and the triumph of Islam."
    Problem is: it's not true. According to my contacts in Iran, including Professor Abolfazl Nurmuhammadpour at the Bright Future Institute--dedicated to teaching the world about the coming of the Mahdi, and the organization which sponsored the Mahdism Conference which I attended this past August in Tehran and Qom--and other ranking clerics at the Dar al-Hadith in Qom, this hadith is NOT authentic.
    Another myth about President-Elect Barack Obama bites the dust.

    I bid you goodnight hopefully this ends the myth of obama the 'Mahdi's little helper'
    I admid you were right Nicoearg and usually i do apreaciate your comments and observations.

  16. As the article said at the update, this is a false claim, for many reasons. Obama is not the Mahdi.

    1. Obama is a Muslim sympathizer (and buttkisser) who wants to advance Islam, but he himself is not a Muslim. You do not have to be a member of something to advance it. We know this because he has never exhibited even the remotest obediance to the demon teachings of the unholy Prophet Muhammed and his false god. He routinely eats pork, he drinks beer and alcohol, he's never been to Mecca, he never gives to "charity" (though he has given to Al-Qaeda in Syria, which technically counts), and he has never proclaimed that "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammed is his prophet.", which is as basic to Islam's faith as the ABCs of Christendom (admit/believe/confess) are to the True Faith.

    2. Radical (terrorist) Muslims see blacks as inferior and even subhuman. Muslims continued holding blacks in slave bondage until the sixties. Even then, the last nation on the earth (a Muslim nation) to abolish slavery did not do so until the twentieth century.

    3. Islam permits lying only when there is a threat of "persecution". (This is called "Taqiya", which I probably mispelled.) Islam is not persecuted in this nation, and it has begun to persecute others in Europe, so there is no way Obama could be invoking Taqiya without "sinning" against Allah.

    4. Obama runs shirtless and wears short pants. Islam enforces strict rules of dress on men (though not as strict as women), and there is nothing Obama could do to hide it. Again, shorts and shirtlessness is not Taqiya.

    5. Obama supports sodomy. Homosexuality was and is punishable by death in Islam, and I ran still murders sodomites.

    6. The Mahdi is Shia, not Sunni. Obama kisses Sunni rear far more than Shia rear. If Obama was Muslim, he'd love one and hate the other, and he hasn't exhibited affection for either, only to Islam in general. Iran is Shia, and Obama actually opposes Iran (while supporting almost every other Muslim sect, including Al-Qaeda).

    7. The quoted Hadith is fake. Like the Gnostic texts that people tried to force into the Holy Bible, these were written after the fact and have no accuracy or connection to their faith.

    This is a fact that is plain for all to see.
