
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The events taking place right now among the USA, Russia and China over Snowden are JUST what Obama has sown

Lack of respect for him
Lack of respect for the USA
Lack of respect for our seriousness
Lack of respect for our fortitude
Lack of respect for our actions
For President Barack Obama, National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden’s globe-trotting evasion of U.S. authorities has dealt a startling setback to efforts to strengthen ties with China and raised the prospect of worsening tensions with Russia.
Indeed, Russia’s foreign minister on Tuesday called U.S. demands for Snowden’s extradition “ungrounded and unacceptable.”
Imagine, if you will, what the plans are over resources in the South China seas, claimed also by our allies.
Imagine what the plans are over Syria, in bolstering Iran’s plans, in Moscow.
Imagine what allies are thinking when threatened by powers inimical to us.
Thin of how these morons VIEW THEMSELVES and then how they view the president.
Now imagine HOW LONG IT WILL TAKE TO UNDO the damage Obama has wrought beginning with his naive, dangerous and now , plainly incompetent, stupid and inexperienced series of apologies for WHO AND WHAT AMERICA IS, AND IS ABOUT

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