
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Trayvon Witness Calling a White Person a "Cracker" is "Not a Racial Comment" - Can't Read the Letter She Supposedly Wrote About Being On The Phone With Trayvon In The Minutes Before His Death


I'm guessing a lot of Black People simply would not understand why this testimony is so horrifying, ridiculous, and hilarious all at the same time (watch at the two minute mark):

It is also revealed that she can not read the letter she supposedly wrote about her experience on the phone with Trayvon in the minutes before his encounter with George Zimmerman.

This is astounding shit, because, she's been testifying about the contents of this letter for two days now:
A teenage friend of Trayvon Martin was forced to admit today in the George Zimmerman murder trial that she did not write a letter that was sent to Martin's mother describing what she allegedly heard on a phone call with Martin moments before he was shot.  
 In a painfully embarassing moment, Rachel Jeantel was asked to read the letter out loud in court.  
"Are you able to read that at all?" defense attorney Don West asked.  
 Jeantel, head bowed, eyes averted whispered into the court microphone, "Some but not all. I don't read cursive."  
It sent a hush through the packed courtroom.   
Jeantel, 19, was unable to read any of the letter save for her name. The testimony was an attempt to raise questions about veracity of Jeantel's testimony, who is a key prosecution witness in the racially charged case.
Ah, here's another case of Black People having no recognition of how racist they are:

North Carolina Democrat Says County Should Not Hire White Men… Shocked When People Have A Problem With This

A Mecklenburg County commissioner is under fire for making statements with racial overtones that have some people calling for removal – or at least a reprimand.
This time, it’s not Bill James, the longtime Republican commissioner who’s been known to utter divisive remarks.
It’s Kim Ratliff, the board’s Democratic vice chairwoman, who told WBTV that she’d prefer commissioners not choose a “white male” to be the next county manager.
In the first story, aired Friday, Ratliff, who is black, said the county needs a manager who is “a nonwhite male who can have good working relations with all people.”
A second story, aired Monday, had Ratliff standing by her statement, though she said she may not have used the right choice of words.
On Wednesday, Ratliff told the Observer that her remarks were “taken out of context” and that her intentions weren’t to cut white men out of the application process. 


  1. This is all a direct result of the paternalistic racism of liberals.

    Which has enforced desperate white and black culture and made it easy for those elements at the bottom to enforce a code of not excelling for fear of being told their acting white, or are an uncle Tom

  2. Boy, are you ever right.

    Sorry, I didn't mean to call you boy.


  3. Conservatives are less racist, we expect blacks to live within the same rules we apply to ourselves. We are not making exceptions based on race.

    Leftists are by far more racist.
    Especially in the attitude that says you must stay within the confines of what we liberals define as your racial culture and if you break out of that stereotype we will attack you mercilessly

  4. Smirk, ohhnoes I've been called boy. I'll get over it ....sniff.... wiping away a tear

  5. Black people hate white people. It's true!
