
Thursday, July 18, 2013

After 2012 Election, Obama Asked His Top Aides To Provide a Plan To Govern Without Congress

From Politico: 
Politico’s Glenn Thrush reports that after President Obama won re-election, he tried to find out ways of pushing his second term agenda without the Republican-led Congress:  
“Guys, I don’t want politics to be a limit of what you recommend to me,” Obama told senior aides David Plouffe, Lew, Dan Pfeiffer and Pete Rouse a couple of weeks after his reelection, according to a White House aide with direct knowledge of the meeting.  
“Let’s come up with an agenda, then let’s figure it out from there as best we can,” he said, prodding them to adopt a more muscular approach to the use of executive power. “We can’t let the driving force of what we pass be Congress.”


  1. “We can’t let the driving force of what we pass be Congress.”


    The POTUS "passes" nothing. Passing what is passed is called legislation and is strictly the purview of Congress. Thus saith the Constitution, which Obama swore to uphold.

  2. Looks like we're in for a rough 4 years... I'll be dreading them! Might as well do some traveling around the country, perhaps SoCal.

    I haven't been around those parts since I was with Pastorius during our last conjugal visit. Speaking of which, sorry if this is TMI, but last time I was walking funny for a while, couldn't sit right for a day, and couldn't shit right for a week! Either you used too much lube, Pasto, or not enough, cause damn! Oh, and your secret is safe with me. I hope your wife doesn't know, or is she perfectly cool with it?
